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Bibliographie sur l'école autrichienne

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Cette Bibliographie sur l'école autrichienne liste les principaux ouvrages consacrés à l'école autrichienne d'économie.

De 1890 à 1949

  • 1890, Achille Loria, "La scuola austriaca nell’economia politica", Nuova Antologia, avril
  • 1907, Camille Guilhot, Théorie de la valeur d’après l’école autrichienne, thèse, Université de Lyon, éditeur Valence : Ducros, Brise & lombard, 378 p.
  • 1929, Hans Bayer, "Lausanner und Österreichische Schule der Nationalökonomie" (L'école de Lausanne et l'école autrichienne d'économie), Zeitschrift für die gesamte Staatswissenschaft, Vol 86, pp491-512
  • 1949, Hans Bayer, "Die Bedeutung der österreichischen Schule der Nationalökonomie für die modernen Wirtschaftswissenschaften" ("L'importance de l'école autrichienne d'économie dans l'économie moderne"), In: Alexander Mahr, dir., "Neue Beiträge zur Wirtschaftshistorie. Festschrift anlässlich des 70. Geburtstages von Hans Mayer" ("De nouvelles contributions à l'histoire économique. Mélanges à l'occasion du 70e Anniversaire de Hans Mayer"), Vienna: Springer, pp3-30

De 1950 à 1979

  • 1958, Emil Kauder, Intellectual and Political Roots of the older Austrian School, Zeitschrift für Nationalökonomie, 17, pp411-425
  • 1962, Hans Brems, The Austrian Theory of Value and the Classical One, Zeitschrift für Nationalökenomie, Vol 22, n°3, October, pp260-270
  • 1965, N. Anagnos, “The Economic Theory of the Austrian School”, Archives of. Economic and Social Sciences, n°1, pp1–87
  • 1972, K. Borch, Die Rolle der Unsicherheit in den Theorien der Österreichischen Schule, Journal of Economics, 32: 29–39
  • 1974, H. Matis, Sozioökonomische Aspekte des Liberalismus in Osterreich 1848-1918, In: Sozialgeschichte Heute. Festschrift für Hans Rosenberg zum 70. Geburtstag, H.­ Wehler, dir., Gottingen: Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht
  • 1978, Louis M. Spadaro, dir., New Directions in Austrian Economics. Kansas City : Sheed Andrews and McMeel Inc.

De 1980 à 1989

  • 1983, Nicolò De Vecchi, dir. et Introduction, La teoria austriaca del capitale e dell'interesse, Istituto dell'Enciclopedia italiana, Roma
  • 1986,
    • Günther K. Chaloupek, Marxistische Kritik an der Osterreichischen Schule [La critique marxiste de l'école autrichienne], In: Die Wiener Schule der Nationalökonomie, N. Leser, dir., Böhlau-Verlag, Wien-Köln-Graz, pp195-221
    • Günther K. Chaloupek, Die „Wiener Schule der Nationalökonomie“ politisch betrachtet [L'école de Vienne d'économie observe la politique], Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft, Vol 12, pp269-272
    • Earlene Craver, The Emigration of the Austrian Economists, History of Political Economy, Vol 18, n°1, pp1–32
    • N. Leser, dir., Die Wiener Schule der Nationalökonomie [L'école d'économie de Vienne], Vienna: Hermann Böhlau
  • 1987,
    • Günther K. Chaloupek, Die Österreichische Schule und der Austromarxismus [L'École autrichienne et l'Austromarxisme], Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft, Vol 13, pp469-
    • Karl H. Müller, Die Idealwelten der österreichischen Nationalökonomen [Le monde idéal des économistes autrichiens], In: Friedrich Stadler, dir., Vertriebene Vernunft I. Emigration und Exil österreichischer Wissenschaft 1930-1940, Jugend & Volk, Wien, pp238-275
  • 1989, Peter Rosner et Georg Winckler, Georg, "Aspects of Austrian Economics in the 1920s and 1930s", In: “Reseach in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology, vol 6

De 1990 à 1999

  • 1991,
    • Norman Barry, "Austrian Economics", In: Nigel Ashford, Steve Davies, dir., "A Dictionary of Conservative and Libertarian Thought", New York: Routledge
    • David Laidler, The Austrians and the Stockholm School: Two failures in the development of modern economics, In: L. Jonung, Dir., The Stockholm School of Economics Revisited. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
  • 1993,
    • Raimondo Cubeddu, The Philosophy of the Austrian School (London/New York: Routledge)
    • Raimondo Cubeddu et A. Vannucci, Economic Planning and The Austrian School, Revue Européenne des Sciences Sociales, 31, 96, pp85-131
  • 1994,
    • Nicolai J. Foss, The Austrian School and Modern Economics: Essays in Reassessment (Copenhagen: Handelshojskolens Forlag)
    • Karen Vaughn, Austrian Economics in America, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge,(en),
    • Y. Laclau, “The Austrian School of Economics: Robinson Crusoe describes it best”, The Christian Science Monitor, août 4, pp8-10
  • 1995.
    • James Hite, We are not Rats: Seeking a Regional Version of Austrian Economics, International Regional Science Review, 18 (2), pp177-183
    • Gerrit Meijer, dir., New Perspectives on Austrian Economics, London and New York: Routhledge
    • Michael Prowse, "Austrian assault on economic orthodoxy: America", Financial Times, Vol. 247, n°17, juillet 24, pp12-15
    • William Waller, "Austrian Economics", In: Margaret Lewis et Janice Peterson, dir., The Elgar Companion to Feminist Economics, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham (UK)
  • 1997,
    • Paloma de la Nuez, La escuela austriaca, Veintiuno: revista de pensamiento y cultura, ISSN 1131-7736, n°36, pp27-38
    • Mathew Forstater, Adolph Lowe and the Austrians, Advances in Austrian Economics, Volume 4
    • Ubiratan Iorio, Economia e Liberdade: a Escola Austríaca e a Economia Brasileira, Rio de Janeiro, Forense Universitária
    • John Moser, 1997, The Origins of the Austrian School of Economics, Humane Studies Review, Spring, Vol 11, n°1
    • Allen Oakley, The Foundations of Austrian Economics from Menger to Mises, Cheltenham et al: Edward Elgar
  • 1998,
    • J. P. Bonardi, "Le marché et l’entrepreneur : l’apport de l’école autrichienne", In: H. Laroche, J. P. Nioche, dir., "Repenser la stratégie", Paris, Vuibert, pp277-298
    • Stéphane Longuet, Hayek et l'école autrichienne
    • Michael J. Wohlgenant, "Why Christian Economists Should Pay Attention to Austrian Economics", Association of Christian Economists Bulletin, n°32, pp7-9

De 2000 à 2009

  • 2003,
    • Günther K. Chaloupek, The Second Cleavage of the Austrian School: Schumpeter's German Writings on Economic Systems and Economic Policy in Comparison with Mises/Hayek, In: J. G. Backhaus, dir., Joseph Alois Schumpeter. Entrepreneurship, Style, Vision, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston-Dordrecht-London, pp245-260
    • Sandye Gloria-Palermo et G. Palermo, Austrian Economics and Value Judgements: A critical comparison with neoclassical economics. In: International Center of Economic Research, Working Paper N°8
    • Hansjörg Klausinger, How Far Was Vienna From Chicago in the 1930s? The Economists and the Depression. Contemporary Austrian Studies, 11, pp56-72
    • Enrique M. Ureña, Orígenes de la escuela austriaca y consumismo, Icade: Revista de las Facultades de Derecho y Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales, n°60, pp37-58
  • 2006, Hansjörg Klausinger, "In the Wilderness": Emigration and the Decline of the Austrian School, History of Political Economy 38(4): 617-664

De 2010 à 2019

  • 2013, Daniel Fernandez Mendez, Ruben Mendez Reategui, "Economic Environment: A preliminary conceptual model of money, credit and currency from the basics of monetary theory in the Austrian School of Economics", In: Juan Carlos Cachanosky, Kurt R. Leube, Christopher Lingle, Mario Silar, dir., "Una vida santa dedicada a la libertad : ensayos en honor a Joe Keckeissen" ("Une vie sainte dédiée à la liberté : essais en l'honneur de Joe Keckeissen"), Buenos Aires, Argentina : Ediciones Cooperativas ; Instituto Acton Argentina
  • 2016,
    • Erwin Dekker, "The Moral Scholar and the A-Moral Scientist: The Responsibility of the Social Scientist in Austrian Economics before and after the Migration", In: Research in the History of Economics and Methodology: Symposium on Austrian Economics in the Postwar Era, vol 34A, pp45-71
    • Erwin Dekker, "The Viennese Studies of Civilization: The Meaning and Context of Austrian Economics reconsidered", Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
    • Erwin Dekker, "Left luggage: Finding the relevant context of Austrian economics", The Review of Austrian Economics, Vol 29, n°2, pp103–119
    • Luca Fiorito, Scott Scheall, Carlos Eduardo Suprinyak, "Introduction", In: Luca Fiorito, Scott Scheall, Carlos Eduardo Suprinyak, dir., "Including a Symposium on Austrian Economics in the Postwar Era" (Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology), Vol 34A, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, ppxiii-xiv
    • Scott Scheall, "Introduction to a Symposium on Austrian Economics in the Immediate Postwar Period", In: Luca Fiorito, Scott Scheall, Carlos Eduardo Suprinyak, dir., "Including a Symposium on Austrian Economics in the Postwar Era" (Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology), Vol 34A, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp3-7
  • 2017,
    • Pietro Monsurrò, "La Scuola Austriaca. Capitolo 1. Storia della Scuola Austriaca, ("L'école autrichienne d'économie. Chapitre 1. Histoire de l'école autrichienne d'économie"), StoriaLibera, n°6, Vol III, pp53-62
    • A. Pham, "Mainstream economics and the Austrian School: Toward reunification", Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics, 10(1), pp41–63
    • Christel Vivel, "École autrichienne (et l’entrepreneur)", In: A. Tiran, D. Uzunidis, dir., "Dictionnaire économique de l’entrepreneur", Paris, Éditions Classiques Garnier, pp147-150
  • 2018,
    • Eduardo Angeli, "Caminhos da Escola Austríaca: relação com ortodoxia, engajamento e produção de novo conhecimento", (« Les chemins de l'école autrichienne d'économie : rapport à l'orthodoxie, engagement et production de nouveaux savoirs »), Nova Economia, Vol 28, n°2, pp681-704 (pt)
    • Giandomenica Becchio, "Austrian School women economists", In: Kirsten Madden, Robert W. Dimand, dir., "The Routledge Handbook of the History of Women’s Economic Thought", London: Routledge
    • Christel Vivel, "Innovation sociale : l’apport de la tradition économique autrichienne", Entreprise et société, n°4, pp101-120
  • 2019, Michael Litschka, "Austrian School of Economics", In: Alain Marciano, Giovanni Battista Ramello, dir., "Encyclopedia of Law and Economics", New York: Springer, pp99-102

Depuis 2020

  • 2022, Ludovic Ragni, "L’école autrichienne d’économie nationale. Une mise en perspective", Revue d’histoire de la pensée économique, n°14, pp263-283

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