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Hansjörg Klausinger

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Hansjörg Klausinger

Dates Né en 1953
Tendance Proche de
l'école autrichienne
Nationalité Autriche Autriche
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Hansjörg Klausinger, né en 1953, enseigne comme professeur extraordinaire au département économique de l'Université d'économie et d'affaires de Vienne, en Autriche. Il a fait de nombreuses recherches sur l'histoire de la pensée économique au 20ème siècle, en particulier sur les auteurs de l'École autrichienne d'économie dont Friedrich Hayek, Carl Menger, Joseph Schumpeter et Oskar Morgenstern. Il a obtenu des bourses de recherche de l'Université de Harvard (2001/20022) et de l'Université Duke (2008) qui l'a récemment aidé à publier beaucoup de publications sur la vie et le travail de Friedrich Hayek.


  • 1985, "F.A. von Hayeks theorie der geldwirtschaft in neuerer sicht" ("La théorie de Friedrich Hayek sur l'économie monétaire d'un point de vue récent"), European Journal of Political Economy, vol. 1(4), pp585-610
  • 1987, "Geld, Kredit and okonomische Dynamik in marktvermittelten Okonomien -- die Vision einer Geldwirtschaft : Hansjorg Herr", Volkswirtschafliche Forschung, und Erntwicklung, vol 25, Munchen: Verlag V. Flo, European Journal of Political Economy, vol. 3(3), pp427-432
  • 1990,
    • a. "The Early Use of the Term "Veil of Money" in Schumpeter's Monetary Writings--A Comment", Scandinavian Journal of Economics, vol. 92(4), pp617-21
    • b. "Equilibrium Methodology as Seen from a Hayekian Perspective", Journal of the History of Economic Thought, vol 12, n°1, mars, pp61-75
  • 1992,
    • a. "Difficulties in reading Menger: A comment on Alter", European Journal of Political Economy, vol. 8(2), mai, pp321-329
    • b. "Difficulties in reading Menger: Rejoinder to Alter", European Journal of Political Economy, vol. 8(3), octobre, pp491-492
  • 1995, "Schumpeter and Hayek: Two Views of the Great Depression Re-examined", History of Economic Ideas, vol 3, pp93–127
  • 1997, Die Alternativen zur Deflationspolitik Brünings im Lichte zeitgenössischer Kritik, Department of Economics Working Papers wuwp049, Vienna University of Economics and B.A., Department of Economics
  • 1999, The Stability of Full Employment. A Reconstruction of Chapter 19-Keynesianism, Department of Economics Working Papers wuwp063, Vienna University of Economics and B.A., Department of Economics
  • 2000. "Walras' Law and the IS-LM Model. A Tale of Progress and Regress, Department of Economics Working Papers wuwp069, Vienna University of Economics and B.A., Department of Economics
  • 2001, ‘Austrian Economics in Two Minutes’: Fritz Machlup As a Journalist, article présenté au séinaire du History of Economics Society à Winston-Salem, North Carolina
  • 2003,
    • a. The Austrians on Relative Inflation as a Cause of Crisis, Journal of the History of Economic Thought, vol. 25(2), janvier, pp221-237
    • b. How Far Was Vienna From Chicago in the 1930s? The Economists and the Depression, Contemporary Austrian Studies, 11, pp56-72
    • c. "Hayek translated: some words of caution", History of Economics Review, winter
  • 2004, "Two Minutes of Austrian Economics. Fritz Machlup’s journalistic writings, 1932–1934", Research into the History of Economic Thought and Methodology, 22(B), pp97–130
  • 2005,
    • a. avec Ingrid Kubin & Alfred Stiassny & Herbert Walther & Christoph Weiss & Martin Zagler, Introduction, Empirica, vol. 32(1), pages 1-2, 03
    • b. The Austrian School of Economics and the Gold Standard Mentality in Austrian Economic Policy in the 1930s, Method and Hist of Econ Thought 0501001, EconWPA
    • c. 'Misguided monetary messages';: The Austrian case, 1931-34, European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, vol. 12(1), mars, pp25-45
    • d. "Die Austroliberalen und die Kampagne im Neuen Wiener Tagblatt", In: Hansjörg Klausinger, "Wirtschaftspublizistische Beiträ̈ge in kritischer Zeit (1931–1934)", Marburg: Metropolis, pp11–35
  • 2007, "Der Austroliberalismus und die österreichische Wirtschaftspolitik in den 1930er Jahren", In: R. Neck, dir., "Die Österreichische Schule der Nationalökonomie (Schriften der Karl Popper Foundation), Frankfurt: Peter Lang
  • 2008,
    • a. "Policy advice by Austrian economists: The case of Austria in the 1930s", In: Roger Koppl, dir., "Explorations in Austrian Economics", Advances in Austrian Economics, Vol 11, JAI Press, ISBN 1-84855-330-9, pp25-53
    • b. "Der Austroliberalismus und die österreichische Wirtschaftspolitik in den 1930er Jahren" (L'Austro-libéralisme et la politique économique autrichienne dans les années 1930), In: Reinhard Neck, dir., "Die Österreichische Schule der Nationalökonomie" ("L'école autrichienne d'économie"), Vienna: Peter Lang, pp99-128
  • 2010, "Hayek on Practical Business Cycle Research: A Note", In: Harald Hagemann, Tamotsu Nishizawa et Yukihiro Ikeda, dir., "Austrian Economics in Transition. From Carl Menger to Friedrich Hayek", Palgrave Macmillan, ISBN 9780230222267, pp218-234
  • 2011, "Hayek and Kaldor: close encounter at LSE", History of Economic Ideas, vol XIX, n°3, pp135-166
  • 2012, "The Austrian Economists and Academic Politics in the Interwar Period: a Preliminary Investigation", In: Hagen M. Krämer, Heinz D. Kurz, Hans-Michael Trautwein, dir., "Macroeconomics and the History of Economic Thought. Festschrift in Honour of Harald Hagemann", London, pp118–130
  • 2015, "Hans Mayer, Last Knight of the Austrian School, Vienna Branch", History of Political Economy, Vol 47, n°2, pp271–305
  • 2016,
    • a. "The Nationalökonomische Gesellschaft (Austrian Economic Association) in the Interwar Period and beyond", In: Luca Fiorito, Scott Scheall, Carlos Eduardo Suprinyak, dir., "Including a Symposium on Austrian Economics in the Postwar Era" (Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology), Vol 34A, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp9-43
    • b. "Krise und Niedergang der Nationalökonomie an der Wiener Universität nach 1917", In: Hans-Michael Trautwein, dir., "Die Zeit um den Ersten Weltkrieg als Krisenzeit der Ökonomen", Berlin, pp117–176
  • 2022, avec Bruce Caldwell, "Hayek: A Life, 1899–1950", Chicago: Chicago university press

Liens externes

  • ["http://www.cas.umn.edu/assets/pdf/WP022.PDF "The Austrian School of Economics and the Gold Standard Mentality in Austrian Economic Policy in the 1930s"], Working Paper 02-2 de Hansjörg Klausinger, Department of Economics, Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration, en décembre 2002

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