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John P. Cochran

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John Cochran est chercheur au Ludvig von Mises Institute à Auburn. Il enseigne l'économie au Metropolitan State College de Denver.


  • 1985, Student Workbook to Accompany Glahe Macroeconomics: Theory and Policy, 3ème édition, San Diego: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich
  • 1989,
    • a. avec Frank Vorhies, Workbook to Accompany Glahe and Lee Microeconomics: Theory and Applications. San Diego: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich
    • b. avec Michael R. Brown, What's Wrong Here?, Economic Inquiry, 27(3), July, pp541-545
  • 1992, avec Fred R. Glahe, "The Use and Abuse of Equilibrium in Business Cycle Theory: A Praxeological Approach", Cultural Dynamic, Vol 5, n°3, November, pp356-370
  • 1994, avec Fred R. Glahe, The Keynes-Hayek Debate: Lessons for Contemporary Business Cycle Theorists, History of Political Economy, Vol 26, n°1, Spring, pp69-94
  • 1996, avec Fred R. Glahe, Privatization True and False: Private Enterprise and Education, Journal of Private Enterprise, 12(1), Fall, pp108-121
  • 1997, avec Fred R. Glahe, Praxeology and the Development of Human Capital: The Separation of School and State, Cultural Dynamics, Vol 9, pp255-268
  • 2002, Sustainable growth: Hayekian triangles, plucking models, and real business cycles, International Advances in Economic Research, Vol 8, n°2, mai, p170
  • 2015, "Capital-Based Macroeconomics: Austrians, Keynes, and Keynesians", In: Peter Boettke et Christopher Coyne, dir., "The Oxford Handbook in Austrian Economics", Oxford University Press, pp164-185

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