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N. Stephan Kinsella

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N. Stephan Kinsella

Dates Né en 1965
Tendance Libertarien
Nationalité États-Unis États-Unis
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Interwikis sur Stephan Kinsella

Stephan N. Kinsella (né en 1965) est un avocat américain, spécialisé dans la propriété intellectuelle, et un théoricien libertarien du droit. Il est également membre du réseau de la faculté "FEE" (Foundation for Economic Education).


  • 1992, Estoppel: A New Justification for Individual Rights, Reason Papers, n°17, Fall, pp61–74
  • 1994, The Undeniable Morality of Capitalism, commentaire du livre de Hans-Hermann Hoppe, "The Economics and Ethics of Private Property", St. Mary’s Law Journal, Vol 25, pp1419-
  • 1997, A Libertarian Theory of Punishment and Rights, Loyola of Los Angeles Law Review, 30, pp607–645
  • 2006, avec Walter Block, Roy Whitehead, "The duty to defend advertising injuries caused by junk faxes: an analysis of privacy, spam, detection and blackmail", Whittier Law Review, Vol 27, n°4, pp925–949
  • 2013,
    • a. "The Case Against Intellectual Property", In: Christoph Luetge, dir., "Handbook of the Philosophical Foundations of Business Ethics", Vol 18: Property Rights: Material and Intellectual, Springer, pp1325-1357
    • b. "A Libertarian Theory of contract: Title Transfer, Binding Promises and Inalienability", Journal of Libertarian Studies, Vol 17, n°2

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