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Israel Kirzner (Bibliographie)

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Cet article présente la liste des œuvres d'Israel Kirzner, de façon aussi exhaustive que possible. Pour une présentation de l'auteur et de sa pensée, voir l'article dédié sur Israel Kirzner.

De 1960 à 1969


  • c. "Rational Action and Economic Theory: Rejoinder" (avec l'article de Gary Becker), Journal of political economy, Février, Vol 71, n°1, pp84-85
  • d. Commentaire du livre de Henry W. Briefs, "Three Views of Method in Economics", Journal of Political Economy, décembre, Vol 71, n°6, pp614-615


  • Commentaire du livre de R. L. Smyth, dir., "Essays in Economic Method", Journal of Political Economy, février, Vol 72, n°1, pp97-98


  • "What economists do", Southern econoimic journal, janvier, Vol 31, n°3, pp257-261
    • Repris en 1990, "What economists do", In: Stephen Littlechild, dir., "Austrian economics. History and methodology", Vol I, Aldershot: Edward Elgar, pp308-312


  • "An Essay on Capital", New York: Augustus M. Kelley
    • Repris en 2012, "Essays on Capital and Interest: An Austrian Perspective", In: Peter Boettke, Frédéric Sautet, dir., "The collected works of Israel M. Kirzner", Vol. 3. Indianapolis: Liberty Fund


    • a. "Methodological Individualism, Market Equilibrium and the Market Process", Il Politico, Vol 32, n°4, pp787-799, (article issu d'un papier présenté à la conférence de la Société du Mont Pelerin, le 18 septembre 1967 à Vichy, France)
      • Repris en 1999, In: Peter J. Boettke, Andrew Farrant, Greg Ransom, Gilberto O. Salgado, dir., "The Legacy of Friedrich von Hayek", Vol 3, Aldershot, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, pp200-212
      • Repris en 2015, In: Peter J. Boettke, Frédéric Sautet, dir., "Austrian subjectivism and the emergence of entrepreneurship theory", The collected works of Israel M. Kirzner, Vol. 5, Indianapolis, Ind. : Liberty Fund, pp175-190
    • b. "Divergent Approaches in Libertarian Economic Thought", Intercollegiate Review, janvier/février, Vol 3, n°3, pp101–108
    • c. Commentaire du livre de George Shackle, The Nature of Economic Thought, Journal of Business, Vol 40, n°2, avril, pp209-210
  • 1968, "On Man-made Tightropes", commentaire du livre de Jacques Rueff, "Balance of Payments", National Review, 27 février, p194

De 1970 à 1974

  • 1970,
    • a. The 'Power' Problem on Campus, Intercollegiate Review, Vol 6, n°3, Spring, pp99-103
      • Repris en 1970, The "Power" Problem on Campus: An Economist’s View, The Freeman, Août, Vol 20, n°8
    • b. Commentaire du livre de D. Dewey, Imperfect Competition, A Radical Interpretation, Journal of Business, (octobre)


  • a. "Competition and Entrepreneurship", Chicago University Press, Chicago
    • ré-imprimé en 1978, en version paperback, University of Chicago Press
    • Ch 3: «Competition and Monopoly», repris en 2001, In: Jack High, dir., "Competition in the History of Economic Thought", Edward Elgar («Critical Ideas in Economics»), Cheltenham, ISBN 1840640766, pp356-369
    • Ré-impression en 2013, In: Peter J. Boettke, Frédéric Sautet, dir., "The Collected Works of Israel M. Kirzner", Vol 4, Indianapolis, IN: Liberty Fund, pp1-200
      • Traduction en espagnol en 1975
        • Traduction en 1986, du chapître 2, "The entrepreneur", en espagnol, "El Empresario”, In: Jesus Huerta de Soto, dir., "Lecturas de Economía Política", Vol I, Madrid, Unión Editorial S.A., España
        • Repris en 2007, "El Empresario”, Revista de Economia y Derecho, Vol 4, n°14, Otono, pp113-137
        • Traduction du livre complet en espagnol en 1998, "Competencia y Empresarialidad", Union Editorial S.A.
      • Traduction allemande en 1978, "Wettbewerb und Unternehmertum", Walter Eucken Institut, Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche und wirtschaftsrechtliche Untersuchungen 14, Tübingen: J.C.B. Mohr/P. Siebeck
      • Traduction japonaise en 1985
      • Traduction portugaise en 1986 par Ana Maria Sarda, Competição e Atividade Empresarial, Rio de Janeiro: Instituto Liberal
        • Nouvelle édition en 2012, São Paulo: Instituto Ludwig von Mises Brasil
      • Traduction coréenne en 1996
      • Traduction italienne en 1997, Concorrenza e imprenditorialità, Rubbettino, Soveria Mannelli
      • Traduction française par Raoul Audouin en 2005, "Concurrence et esprit d'entreprise", Economica


  • b. "Capital, Competition and Capitalism", In: "Champions of Freedom : Ludwig von Mises Lecture Series", Hillsdale, Michigan: Hillsdale College Press
  • d. "Advertising", In: Tibor Machan, dir., "The Libertarian Alternative: Essays in Social and Political Philosophy", Chicago: Nelson-Hall
  • e. "Letter to the Editor", Intercollegiate Review, Vol 9, Winter 1973-1974, pp59-60

De 1975 à 1979

  • 1975,
    • a. Producer, Entrepreneur and the Right to Property, In: S.L. Blumenfeld, dir., Property in a Human Economy, La Salle, Illinois: Open Court
    • b. Commentaire du livre de Yale Brozen, dir., Advertising and Society, Reason, (novembre)
    • c. Commentaire du livre de John Hicks, Capital and Time, A Neo-Austrian Theory, Libertarian Review, (novembre)
    • d. Commentaire du livre de John Hicks et W. Weber, Dir., Carl Menger and the Austrian School of Economics, Libertarian Review, (novembre)


  • f. "Discussion", In: The Economic System, in an Age of Discontinuity: Long Range Planning or Market Reliance?, New York: New York University Press
  • h. Préface à la nouvelle édition du livre de Ludwig von Mises, "The Ultimate Foundation of Economic Science, An Essay on Method", Kansas City: Sheed, Andrews and McMeel


    • a. Commentaire du livre de Jesse W. Markham, "Conglomerate Enterprise and Public Policy", American Political Science Review, mars, p359
    • b. Commentaire du livre de J. F. Winslow, Conglomerate Unlimited: The Failure of Regulation, American Political Science Review, (mars)
    • c. Commentaire du livre de John F. Galbraith, "The Age of Uncertainty", Libertarian Review, septembre


  • a. "The Entrepreneurial Role in Menger's System", Atlantic Economic Journal, 6(3), Numéro special, pp31-45
    • Repris en 1979, In: Israel Kirzner, Perception, Opportunity and Profit, Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, pp62-69
    • Repris en 2015, In: Peter J. Boettke, Frédéric Sautet, dir., "Austrian subjectivism and the emergence of entrepreneurship theory", The collected works of Israel M. Kirzner, Vol. 5, Indianapolis, Ind. : Liberty Fund, pp151-174
  • b. The perils of regulation : A Market-Process Approach, Occasional paper, The Law and Economics center, University of Miami School of law, février
  • c. Entrepreneurship, Entitlement and Economic Justice, Eastern Economic Journal, Vol 4, n°1, pp9-25
    • Repris en 1981, In: J. Paul,, dir., "Reading Nozick: Essays on Anarchy, State, and Utopia", Totowa, NJ: Rowman and Littlefield
    • Repris en 2000, In: P. Vallentyne et H. Steiner, Dir., Left Libertarianism and Its Critics: The Contemporary Debate, New York: Palgrave Publishers Ltd.
  • d. Entrepreneurship, Choice and Freedom, ORDO, Jahrbuch fr die Ordnung von Wirtschaft und Gesselschaft, Band 30 (Festgabe fr F.A. Hayek), mai, ORDO, vol 30, pp245-256
  • e. Economics and Error, In: Louis M. Spadaro, dir., New Directions in Austrian Economics, Kansas city : Sheed Andrews and McMeel, pp57-76
    • Repris en 1979, In: Perception, Opportunity and Profit, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, pp120-136


  • a. Perception, Opportunity and Profit: Studies in the theory of entrepreneurship, Chicago: University of Chicago Press
    • Réimprimé en 1983 en version paperback
    • Traduction allemande en 1988, Unternehmer und Marktdynamik, München:, Wien
  • b. Equilibrium versus Market Process, In: Perception, opportunity and profit: Studies in the theory of entrepreneurship, pp3-12
  • c. Hayek, Knowledge and market processes, In: Perception, opportunity and profit: Studies in the theory of entrepreneurship, pp13-33
  • d. Knowing about Knowledge: A Subjectivist View of the Role of Information, In: Perception, opportunity and profit: Studies in the theory of entrepreneurship, pp137-153
  • e. X-Inefficiency, Error and the Scope for Entrepreneurship, In: Mario Rizzo, dir., Time, Uncertainty and Disequilibrium: Explorations of Austrian Themes, Lexington, Mass: Lexington Books, D.C. Heath & Co
  • f. Commentaire du livre de Ludwig von Mises, "On the Manipulation of Money and Credit", Reason, avril, p45
  • g. "Entrepreneurship, Choice and Freedom", ORDO Jahrbuch fur die Ordnung von Wirstchaft und Gesellschaft, Vol 30 [Festgabe fur F.A. von Hayek], mai
  • h. "Has the Libertarian Movement Gone Kooky? A Spirited Exchange", National Review, 3 août, p973
  • i. "Classical Economics and the Entrepreneurial Role", In: Israel M. Kirzner, dir., "Perception, Opportunity, and Profit", Chicago: University of Chicago Press
    • Repris en 2015, In: Peter J. Boettke, Frédéric Sautet, dir., "Austrian subjectivism and the emergence of entrepreneurship theory", The collected works of Israel M. Kirzner, Vol. 5, Indianapolis, Ind. : Liberty Fund, pp123-138

De 1980 à 1984


  • a. The primacy of entrepreneurial discovery, In: Israel Kirzner, L. Hannah, N. McKendrick, N. Vinson, K. Wickenden, A. Knight, F. McFadzean, P. D. Henderson, D. G. MacRae, & I. Pearce (Eds.), The prime mover of progress: The entrepreneur in capitalism and socialism: 3–30. London: Institute of Economic Affairs, [Readings 23]
    • Repris en 1991, Richard Ebeling, Dir., Austrian economics : a reader, Champions of freedom, The Ludwig von Mises Lecture series, vol 18, Michigan, Hillsdale College Press, pp304-333
  • b. "The Austrian perspective on the crisis", In: The Public interest special edition, pp111-122
    • Repris en 1990, "The Austrian perspective on the crisis", In: Stephen Littlechild, dir., "Austrian economics. History and methodology", Vol I, Aldershot: Edward Elgar, pp191-204
    • Repris en 1981, In: Daniel Bell, Irving Kristol, dir., "The crisis in economic theory", New York : Basic Books
    • Traduction espagnole en 1981, “La crisis desde la perspectiva ‘austríaca’, In: Irving Kristol, dir., La crisis en la teoría económica, Buenos Aires, El Cronista Comercial, pp16-75
    • Traduction en français par Anne Trillaud en 1986, "La perspective "autrichienne" sur la crise", In: Daniel Bell, Irving Kristol, dir., "Crise et Renouveau de la théorie économique", Paris: Bonnel/Publisud, pp191-208
  • c. Commentaire du livre de Frank Albert Fetter, Capital, Interest and Rent: Essays in the Theory of Distribution, publié avec une introduction de Murray Rothbard, Austrian Economics Newsletter, Spring
  • d. Commentaire du livre de Benjamin M. Friedman, ed, New Challenges to the Role of Profit, Public Choice, Vol. 35/3


    • a. "Mises and the Renaissance of Austrian Economics", In: John K. Andrews Jr, dir., "Homage to Mises", Hillsdale college press, Hillsdale, Michigan, pp14-27
      • Repris en 1990, "Mises and the Renaissance of Austrian Economics", In: Stephen Littlechild, dir., "Austrian economics. History and methodology", Vol I, Aldershot: Edward Elgar, pp113-120
    • b. "Mises on Entrepreneurship", Wirtschaftspolitische Blatter, n°4
    • c. Why The Market Outclasses The State, Economic Affairs, Vol 1, n°3, avril, pp181-183
  • 1983,
    • a. Commentaire du livre de Robert F. Hébert, Albert N. Link, "The entrepreneur, Mainstream Views and radical critiques", Southern Economic Journal, octobre, vol 50, n°2, pp611-612
    • b. "Entrepreneurship and the Future of Capitalism", In: J. Backman, dir., "Entrepreneurship and the Outlook for America", New York: Free Press
      • Repris en 1985, In: Israel Kirzner, dir., Discovery and the Capitalist Process, University of Chicago Press, Chicago, pp150-168
    • c. Entrepreneur and the Entrepreneurial Function: A Commentary, In: J. Ronen, dir., Entrepreneurship: Where Did It Come From, and Where Is It Going?, Lexington, Mass: Lexington Books
    • d. Does Anyone Listen to Economists? (Un commentaire du livre de George Stigler, The Economist as Preacher and Other Essays). Inquiry: A Libertarian Review, avril, pp38-40
      • Repris en 1999, In: What Do Economists Contribute?, Daniel B. Klein, dir., Macmillan and New York University Press, pp125-131
    • f. Commentaire du livre de D. H. Hausman, Capital, Profits and Prices: An Essay in the Philosophy of Economics, International Philosophical Quarterly, Vol. XXIII, n°2, Issue #90
    • g. Commentaire du livre de H. Frisch, dir., Schumpeterian Economics, Journal of Economic Literature, décembre, Vol. XXI, pp1501-1502

De 1985 à 1989



  • b. dir., "Subjectivism, intelligibility and economic understanding: essays in honor of Ludwig M. Lachmann on his eightieth birthday", New York: New York university press
  • c. "Preface", In: Israel M. Kirzner, dir., "Subjectivism, intelligibility and economic understanding. Essays in Honor of Ludwig M. Lachmann on his Eightieth Birthday", New York: New York University press, ppvii-ix
  • d. "Another look at the subjectivism of costs", In: Israel M. Kirzner, dir., "Subjectivism, intelligibility and economic understanding. Essays in Honor of Ludwig M. Lachmann on his Eightieth Birthday", New York: New York University press, pp140-156
    • Repris en 2015, In: Peter J. Boettke, Frédéric Sautet, dir., "Austrian subjectivism and the emergence of entrepreneurship theory", The collected works of Israel M. Kirzner, Vol 5, Indianapolis, Ind. : Liberty Fund, pp81-97
  • g. "Individualistic Capitalism", In: Donna C. Charron, dir., "Views on Individualism", St. Louis: St. Louis Humanities Forum
  • i. "Taxes and Discovery: An Entrepreneurial Perspective", In: Dwight R. Lee, dir., "Taxation and the Deficit Economy: Fiscal Policy and Capital Formation in the U.S.", San Francisco: Pacific Research Institute pp359–380


  • c. avec Roger Garrison, "Friedrich August von Hayek", IIn: John Eatwall, Murray Milgate, Peter Newman, dir., "The New Palgrave : a Dictionary of Economics", The Macmillan Press (London), Stockton Press (New York) et Maruzen Company Ltd (Tokyo)
    • Repris en 1989, In: John Eatwall, Murray Milgate, Peter Newman, dir., "The New Palgrave : The invisible hand", The McMillan Press, pp119-130
  • e. "Economic Harmony", In: John Eatwall, Murray Milgate, Peter Newman, dir., "The New Palgrave : a Dictionary of Economics", The Macmillan Press (London), Stockton Press (New York) et Maruzen Company Ltd (Tokyo)


  • c. "Some ethical implications for capitalism of the socialist calculation debate", Social Philosophy and Policy, vol 6, n°1, Autumn, pp165-182
  • d. "Advertising in an Open-Ended Universe", avant-propos du livre de Robert B. Ekelund, Jr. et de Daniel S. Saurman, "Advertising and the Market Process", San Francisco: Pacific Research Institute, ppxv-xxii


  • a. "Discovery, Capitalism and Distributive Justice", Basil Blackwell, Oxford; Chicago: University of Chicago Press
    • Nouvelle édition en 2016, In: Peter J. Boettke, Frédéric Sautet[[, dir., "The Collected Works of Israel M. Kirzner", Vol 6, Indianapolis, IN: Liberty Fund, pp1-169
    • Traduction en espagnol en 1995, "Creatividad, capitalismo y justicia distributiva", Unión Editorial, Madrid
  • b. "Austrian economics and the theory of entrepreneurship": Israel M. Kirzner interviewed by Stephan Boehm on 2 mai 1989, Review of Political Economy, Vol 4, n°1, pp95-110
  • c. "The Use of Labels in Doctrinal History: Comment on Baird", Cato Journal, Vol 9, n°1, Spring/Summer
  • d. Commentaire du livre d'Alexander T. Smith, "Time And Public Policy", The Freeman, August, Vol 39, n°8, pp231-237

De 1990 à 1994


  • h. Commentaire de l'article de Stephan Boehm, "The Austrian Tradition: Schumpeter and Mises", In: Klaus Hennings et Warren J. Samuels, dir., Neoclassical Economic Theory, 1870-1930, Boston, Dordrecht, London: Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp242-249


  • a. Commentaire du livre de M. Currie et I. Steedman, "Wrestling with Time: Problems in Economic Theory", Southern Economic Journal
  • b. Commentaire du livre de Mark Skousen, "The Structure of Production", Journal of Economic Literature, décembre, Vol 29, n°4, pp1761-1763
  • d. "Friedrich A. Hayek 1899–1992", Critical Review, vol 5, n°4, septembre, pp585-592


  • c. "Austrian economics and the theory of entreprenurship : Israel M. Kirzner interviewed by Stephan Boehm on 2 may 1989", Review of political economy, 4(1), pp95-110
  • d. "Human Action, Freedom, and Economic Science", In: John W. Robbins et Mark Spangler, dir., A Man of Principle, Essays in Honor of Hans F. Sennholz, Grove City College press
  • e. "Entrepreneurship, Uncertainty and Austrian Economics", In: Bruce Caldwell, Stephan Boehm, dir., "Austrian Economics: Tensions and New Directions", Boston/Dordrecht/London: Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp85-102
  • f. "The Morality of Pure Profit: The Logic and Illogic of a Popular Phobia", Journal des économistes et des études humaines, vol. 4, n°2/3


  • c. Commentaire du livre de Roy Cordato, "Welfare Economics and Externalities in an Open-Ended Universe: A Modern Austrian Perspective", Cato Journal, Vol 13, n°1, Spring/Summer, pp143-149
  • d. "The Morality of Pure Profit: The Logic and Illogic of a Popular Phobia", Journal des économistes et des études humaines, vol. 4, No. 2/3
    • Traduction en italien en 1994, Il Profitto e la sua etica/Logica e illogica di una fobia diffusa, Biblioteca della liberta, janvier-mars


  • b. dir., "Classics in Austrian Economics: A Sampling in the History of a Tradition", London: William Pickering and Chatto, 3 vols
  • d. "Value-Freedom", In: Peter Boettke, dir., "The Elgar companion to Austrian Economics", Aldershot: Edward Elgard Publishing, pp313–319
  • e. Entrepreneurship, In: Peter Boettke, dir., The Elgar Companion to Austrian Economics, USA, Edward Elgar, ch 15
  • h. A Tale of Two Worlds: Comment on Shmanske, In: Peter Boettke et Mario Rizzo, dir., Advances in Austrian Economics, volume 1, Greenwich, CT: JAI Press
  • i. "The Entrepreneur in Economic Theory", In: E. Dahmen, Leslie Hannah, Israel M. Kirzner, dir., "The Dynamics of Entrepreneurship", Lund University, Sweden: Institute of Economic Research

De 1995 à 1999


  • c. Commentaire du livre de Jack Birner et de Rudy Van Zijp, dir., "Hayek, Co-ordination and Evolution, His Legacy in Philosophy, Politics, Economics and The History of Ideas", Southern Economic Journal, avril, Vol 61, n°4, pp1243-1244
  • d. Commentaire du livre de Stephen Kresge et de Leif Wenar, dir., "Hayek on Hayek, An Autobiographical Dialogue", Economic Affairs, Vol 15, n°2, p57
  • e. Dir., Classics in Austrian Economics: A Sampling in the History of a Tradition, Vol 3, London: William Pickering
  • f. Introduction, In: Israel Kirzner, Dir., Classics in Austrian Economics: A Sampling in the History of a Tradition, Vol 3, London: William Pickering, ppvii-xvii


  • a. "Essays on Capital and Interest: An Austrian Perspective", Aldershot, UK and Brookfield, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing
  • c. Government Regulation and the Market Discovery Process, In: Kurt R. Leube, dir., "Die Osterreichische Schule der Nationalokonomie Texte-Band 2, Von Hayek Bis White Manzsche Verlags - and Universittsbuchhandlung", Wien: International Library of Austrian Economics
  • d. "Pure Time Preference Theory: A Postscript to the 'Grand Debate", In: Israel Kirzner, dir., "Essays on Capital and Interest: An Austrian Perspective", Brookfield, Vermont: Edward Elgar Publishing


  • a. "How Markets Work: Disequilibrium, Entrepreneurship and Discovery", London: Institute of Economic Affairs
    • Traduction italienne en 2002, Come funzionano i mercati, Armando, Roma
  • c. "Austrian Economics and Mainstream Economics, 1930-1950: A Study in Doctrinal Complementarity and Substitutability", In: Kurt R. Leube, Angelo Petroni et J. Sadowsky, eds, An Austrian in France, Festschrift in Honour of Jacques Garello, Torino, Italy: La Rosa Editric
  • d. "The crisis of vision in modern economic thought An Austrian economist's perspective", In, Roger Koppl et Steven Horwitz, dir., "Advances in Austrian Economics, Vol 4", Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp149-154
  • e. Commentaire du livre de C. Schmidt, ed, Uncertainty in Economic Thought, Southern Economic Journal, juillet
  • f. Commentaire du livre de Klaus H. Hennings, The Austrian Theory of Value and Capital: Studies in the Life and Work of Eugen Von Böhm-Bawerk, Economic Affairs, Journal of the Institute of Economic Affairs, décembre
  • g. Rationality, Entrepreneurship and Economic ‘Imperialism’, In: S.C.Dow et Peter E. Earl, Dir., Conference to Celebrate Brian Loasby’s Work at Stirling University, 1967-97, 1-21



  • h. "Phillip Wicksteed: The British Austrian", In: Randall Holcombe, dir., 15 Great Austrian Economists, Auburn, Ala., Ludwig von Mises Institute, pp101–112
    • Repris en 2015, In: Peter J. Boettke, Frédéric Sautet, dir., "Austrian subjectivism and the emergence of entrepreneurship theory", The collected works of Israel M. Kirzner, Vol. 5, Indianapolis, Ind. : Liberty Fund, pp98-110
  • i. "Los objetivos de la política anti-trust: una crítica", Información Comercial Española, n°775, décembre 1998 - janvier 1999
    • Repris en 2015, en annexe du livre de Dominick T. Armentano, "Antitrust policy : the case for repeal", traduit en espagnol par Raúl E. Alosilla Díaz, "Contra el sistema antimonopolio : el mito del antitrust", Madrid, España : Unión Editorial

De 2000 à 2009


  • d. The Irresistible Force of Market Competition, Ideas on liberty, Mars, Vol 50, n°3
  • i. Avant-propos du livre de Frédéric Sautet, "An Entrepreneurial Theory of the Firm", London: Routledge


  • b. "Two Cheers for Klein's Plea", Eastern Economic Journal, Vol 27, n°2, pp211-214
  • c. Any schmuck can consume: a response, Economic Affairs, Vol. 21, n°1, p47


  • c. "Il soggettivismo della teoria austriaca del capitale e dell’interesse" ("Le subjectivisme de la théorie autrichienne du capital et de l'intérêt"), In: Alberto Mingardi, Enrico Colombatto, dir., "Il coraggio della libertà, saggi in onore di Sergio Ricossa", Soveria, Rubbettino, pp299-312
  • 2004, Economic Science and the Morality of Capitalism, In: Dennis O'keeffe, dir., Economy and Virtue: Essays on the Theme of Markets and Morality, London: Institute of Economic Affairs, Ch 5, pp88-100, ISBN 0-255-365047



  • a. avec Frédéric Sautet, The Nature and Role of Entrepreneurship in Markets: Implications for Policy, In: Mercatus Policy Series, Policy Primer No. 4, juin 2006, Mercatus Center, George Mason University
  • b. "Calculation, competition and entrepreneurship", In: Jack High, dir., Humane Economics. Essays in Honor of Don Lavoie, Cheltenhan UK: Edward Elgar
  • c. The Anatomy of Economic Advice, Part I, The Freeman, Août, Vol 56, n°6
  • d. The Anatomy of Economic Advice, Part II, The Freeman, Septembre, Vol 56, n°7
  • e. The Anatomy of Economic Advice, Part III, The Freeman, Octobre, Vol 56, n°8
  • f. "Hayek and economic ignorance: Reply to [Jeffrey] Friedman", Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society, Vol 18, n°4, pp411-415


  • b. "Socialist Economic debate", In: Ronald Hamowy, dir., "The Encyclopedia of Libertarianism", Cato Institute - Sage Publications, pp476-479


  • a. "The alert and creative entrepreneur: a clarification", Small Business Economics, February, Vol 32, n°2, pp145-152
  • b. "Human Action, 1949: A Dramatic Episode in Intellectual History", The Freeman, Septembre, Vol 59, n°7
    • Traduit en espagnol en 2009 par Matías Spelta, "La Acción Humana, 1949: Un Episodio Dramático en la Historia Intelectual", Revista Digital Orden Espontáneo, n°6, novembre, pp1-6

De 2010 à 2019

  • 2013, Deirdre McCloskey, "A Hayekian/Kirznerian Economic History of the Modern World", In: Roger Frantz, Robert Leeson, dir., "Hayek and Behavioral Economics", Archival Insights into the Evolution of Economics, vol 4, Palgrave Macmillan, pp35-69
  • 2015,
    • a. "Austrian Subjectivism and the Emergence of the Entrepreneurship Theory", In: Peter J. Boettke, Frédéric Sautet, dir., "The Collected Works of Israel M. Kirzner", Indianapolis, IN: Liberty Fund
    • b. "Hayek, the Nobel, and the revival of Austrian economics", Review of Austrian Economics, Vol 28, n°3, pp225-236 (en)
  • 2017, "The Entrepreneurial Market Process -An Exposition", Southern economic journal, Vol 83, n°4, April, pp855-868
  • 2019,
    • a. "Entrepreneurial inspiration", Review of Austrian Economics, Vol 32, n°2, pp101-105
    • b. "The ethics of pure entrepreneurship: An Austrian economics perspective", The Review of Austrian Economics, Vol 32, n°2, pp89-99

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