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Angela Wigger

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Angela Wigger enseigne actuellement à l'université Radboud à Nimègue (Nijmegen aux Pays-Bas). Ses domaines de recherche portent sur la politique européenne de la concurrence et, particulièrement, sur la réglementation européenne de la gouvernance des entreprises.


  • 2004,
    • a. Revisiting the European Competition Reform: The Toll of Private Self-Enforcement, Working Papers Political Science No. 2004/07, Studies in the Transnational Political Economy of Corporate Governance 5, ISSN 1569-3546 Amsterdam
    • b. Commentaire du livre d'Indra de Soysa, Foreign Direct Investment, Democracy and Development: Assessing the Contours, Correlates, and Concomitants of Globalization, Political Studies Review, Vol. 2, N°3, September
  • 2005, La crociata sulla convergenza: le politiche sulle leggi e pratiche della concorrenza globale, Il lavoro pubblico, N°79, 15 June.
  • 2007,
    • a. avec A. Nölke, The Privatisation of EU Business Regulation and the Erosion of Rhenish Capitalism: The Case of Antitrust Enforcement, Journal of Common Market Studies, Vol. 45(1). 487-513
    • b. Towards A Market-Based Approach: The Privatization and Micro-Economization of EU Antitrust Law Enforcement, In: B. van Apeldoorn, A. Nölke et H. Overbeek, dir., The Transnational Politics of Corporate Governance Regulation, Ch 6, Routledge

  • 2008,
    • a. Exporting Europe’s Core Business? The External Dimension of EU Competition Policy, In: J. Orbie, dir., Europe's Global Role: External Policies of the European Union. Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing
    • b. Competition for Competitiveness: The Politics of Transformation of the EU Competition Regime' Dissertation, Department of Political Science, Faculty of Social Sciences, vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

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