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Dave Barry

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Dave Barry, humoriste et écrivain américain

Dave Barry (David McAlister Barry de son nom complet), né le 3 juillet 1947, est un humoriste et écrivain libertarien américain, qui a obtenu le prix Pulitzer.

Auteur, entre autres, de Gros problème, Tricky Business., Chroniques déjantées d'Internet... et autres cyberdélires.

Il a également reçu en 2013 le Fairfax Prize.


  • "For [politicians], the question is always, 'What kind of government intervention should we impose on the world?' They never think that maybe we shouldn't." -- Dave Barry, Reason, décembre 1994
  • "I’m a libertarian, but that’s kind of an easy stance to be if you’re a humor columnist, because you’re tending to make fun of the government and the powerful…. I’m sort of a soft-core libertarian in that my compass is generally pointing away from ‘Let’s let the government do this’… Does it matter to me that it’s Democrats who think we need more elaborate programs that involve shifting money from one group to another group or it’s Republicans saying we need to take a harder look at what kinds of things people are watching on cable TV? Neither one of those things strikes me as a good idea."

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