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Jacob Sullum

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Jacob Sullum

Dates né en 1965
Tendance Libertarien
Nationalité États-Unis États-Unis
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Interwikis sur Jacob Sullum

Jacob Sullum (né en 1965) est un journaliste libertarien américain, qui travaille pour Reason Magazine. Il contribue également à diverses autres publications : National Review, Cigar Aficionado, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, entre autres.


  • 1998, For Your Own Good: The Anti-Smoking Crusade and the Tyranny of Public Health
  • 2003, Saying Yes: In Defense of Drug Use


  • « The hate crime bill also runs afoul of the First Amendment by punishing people for their beliefs. In determining whether a particular crime was motivated by bigotry, it is relevant to know not only what the perpetrator may have said during the attack but what he said to friends and acquaintances on other occasions, which organizations he belongs to, which books he reads, and what signs, symbols, and bumper stickers he displays... »
  • « I don't know about you, but a country where legislators try to forcibly extirpate ideas they do not like is not my vision of America. » (in "Hate Haters,", article du 28 juin 2000)

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