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Gregory Salmieri

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Gregory Salmieri est un universitaire en philosophie affilié au Salem Center for Policy de la McCombs School of Business de l'Université du Texas à Austin. À l'université, il détient la prestigieuse chaire Brigham pour l'étude de l'objectivisme et occupe le poste de directeur du programme pour l'objectivité de la pensée, de l'action et de l'entreprise.

  • . Parcours Académique. Éducativement, Gregory Salmieri a obtenu son doctorat en philosophie de l'Université de Pittsburgh, où il a affiné son expertise et construit une solide base pour ses futures contributions au domaine. Avant cela, il a obtenu une licence en philosophie du College of New Jersey, établissant un socle académique solide qui a informé et enrichi ses recherches universitaires. Son envergure académique comprend l'enseignement de la philosophie dans des institutions renommées telles que l'Université de Caroline du Nord à Chapel Hill, l'Université Rutgers, l'Université de Boston et l'Institut de Technologie Stevens. Ses cours couvrent un large éventail de sujets, notamment la philosophie antique, l'éthique et la théorie de la connaissance, reflétant son engagement à transmettre le savoir et à favoriser la croissance intellectuelle des étudiants.
  • . Un Chercheur Multidisciplinaire. Le portefeuille de recherche étendu de Gregory Salmieri couvre les domaines de l'épistémologie, de l'éthique et de la philosophie politique, avec un accent particulier sur les philosophies d'Aristote et d'Ayn Rand. Il a apporté des contributions significatives au domaine, mettant en avant son expertise à travers diverses publications, dont son rôle de co-éditeur pour "A Companion to Ayn Rand" et "Foundations of a Free Society". De plus, il est l'auteur de nombreux articles et il a prononcé des conférences sur des sujets centraux dans des recherches universitaires.


  • 2005,
    • a. avec Allan Gotthelf, "Ayn Rand", In: John R. Shook, Richard T. Hull, dir., "The Dictionary of Modern American Philosophers", Bristol: Thoemmes, pp1995-1999
    • b. "Prometheus’s Discovery: Individualism and the Meaning of the Concept ‘I’ in Anthem", In: Robert J. Mayhew, dir., "Essays on Ayn Rand’s Anthem", Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, pp255-285
  • 2009,
    • a. "Atlas Shrugged on the Role of the Mind in Man's Existence", In: Robert Mayhew, dir., "Essays on Ayn Rand’s “Atlas Shrugged”", Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, pp219-252
    • b. "Discovering Atlantis: Atlas Shrugged's Demonstration of a New Moral Philosophy", In: Robert J. Mayhew, dir., "Essays on Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged", Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, pp397-452
    • c. "Appendix A: Outline of Atlas Shrugged", In: Robert J. Mayhew, dir., "Essays on Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged", Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, pp467-500
    • d. "Appendix B: Outline of Galt's Speech", In: Robert J. Mayhew, dir., "Essays on Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged", Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, pp501-504
    • e. "Aristotle’s “Non-Dialectical” Methodology in the Nicomachean Ethics", Ancient Philosophy, Vol 29, n°2, pp311-335
  • 2010, “Αἴσθησις, Ἐμπειρία, and the Advent of Universals in Posterior Analytics II 19”, In: James Lesher, dir., "From Inquiry to Demonstrative Knowledge: New Essays on Aristotle’s Posterior Analytics", Apeiron, Vol XLIII, n°2-3
  • 2013,
    • a. "Conceptualization and Justification", In: Allan Gotthelf, James Lennox, dir., "Concepts and Their Role in Knowledge: Reflections on Objectivist Epistemology", University of Pittsburgh Press, pp41-84
    • b. "Forms of Awareness and “Three-Factor” Theories", In: Allan Gotthelf, James Lennox, dir., "Concepts and Their Role in Knowledge: Reflections on Objectivist Epistemology", University of Pittsburgh Press, pp226-241
    • c. avec Benjamin Bayer, "How We Choose Our Beliefs", Philosophia, Vol 42, n°1, pp1-13
  • 2014,
    • a. "Aristotelian Epistēmē and the Relation between Knowledge and Understanding", Metascience, Vol 23, n°1
    • b. "Aristotle on Selfishness: Understanding the Iconoclasm of Nicomachean Ethics ix 8", Ancient Philosophy, Vol 34, n°1, pp101-120
  • 2018,
    • a. "Intellectual Property and the Freedom Needed to Solve the Crisis of Resistant Infections", George Mason Law Review, Vol 26, n°1, pp215-229
    • b. "On the Role of Voting in the American System of Government", In: Jonathan Hoenig, dir., "A New Textbook of Americanism: The Politics of Ayn Rand", Chicago: Capitalistpig, pp77-86
    • c. "Something(s) in the Way(s) He Moves. Reconsidering the Embryological Argument for Particular Forms in Aristotle", In: Andrea Falcon, David Lefebvre, dir., "Aristotle's Generation of Animals. A Critical Guide", Cambridge University Press, pp188-206
    • d. "Something(s) in the Way(s) He Moves: Reconsidering the Embryological Argument for Robustly Particular Forms in Aristotle", In: Falcon et Lefebre, dir., "Aristotle’s Generation of Animals: A Critical Guide", Cambridge University Press
  • 2019,
    • a. avec Robert Mayhew, dir. "Foundations of a Free Society: Reflections on Ayn Rand's Political Philosophy", Series: Ayn Rand Society Philosophical Studies, University of Pittsburgh Press
    • b. "Introduction", In: Gregory Salmieri, Robert Mayhew, dir., "Foundations of a Free Society. Reflections on Ayn Rand's Political Philosophy", University of Pittsburgh Press, pp3-14
    • c. "Selfish Regard for the Rights of Others: Continuing a Discussion with Zwolinski, Miller, and Mossoff", In: Robert Mayhew, Gregory Salmieri, dir. "Foundations of a Free Society: Reflections on Ayn Rand's Political Philosophy", Series: Ayn Rand Society Philosophical Studies, University of Pittsburgh Press, pp166-192
  • 2022,
    • a. avec James Lennox, dir., "Ayn Rand and Aristotle: Philosophical and Historical Studies", Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press
    • b. "Objectivism", In: Benjamin Ferguson, Matt Zwolinski, dir., "The Routledge Companion to Libertarianism", London and New York: Routledge, pp82-102

Littérature secondaire

  • 2013,
    • a. Bill Brewer, "Direct Perception and Salmieri’s 'Forms of Awareness'", In: Allan Gotthelf, James Lennox, dir., "Concepts and Their Role in Knowledge: Reflections on Objectivist Epistemology", University of Pittsburgh Press, pp242-246
    • b. Pierre Le Morvan, "In Defense of the Theory of Appearing: Comments on Ghate and Salmieri", In: Allan Gotthelf, James Lennox, dir., "Concepts and Their Role in Knowledge: Reflections on Objectivist Epistemology", University of Pittsburgh Press, pp215-225