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Kenneth Elzinga
Kenneth Elzinga | |||||
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Kenneth G. Elzinga est un économiste américain. Il enseigne à l'université de Virginie. C'est un spécialiste des législations antitrust. C'est également un romancier célèbre.
Il est diplômé en économie de Kalamazoo College (1963) puis obtient son master (1966) et son Ph.D. (1967) à la Michigan State University.
Il a été Cambridge Fellow et fait partie du comité éditorial du Journal of Markets and Morality de l'Acton Institute depuis 1998 et de l'Antitrust Bulletin depuis 1977.
Ses travaux ont été utilisés à de nombreuses reprises par la cour suprême américaine. Il a exercé une influence majeure sur la décision de la cour de supprimer l'interdiction du prix minimum de vente. Le 28 juin 2007, par une majorité de 5 voix contre 4, les juges (justice) de la cour décidèrent de supprimer cet élément de la loi antitrust vieux de 96 ans[1]
Il est le coauteur de romans à succès mêlant économie et intrigues policières comme Murder at the Margin (Thomas Norton & Daughters, 1978), The Fatal Equilibrium (The MIT Press, 1985) ou A Deadly Indifference (Carrol & Graf, 1995). Ces livres ont été écrits sous le pseudonyme de Marshall Jevons, pseudonyme fondé sur les noms d'Alfred Marshall et de William Stanley Jevons.
Notes et références
- ↑ "Minimum retail price accords allowed, U.S. Supreme Court Rules", International Herald Tribune, 28 juin 2007, [lire en ligne]
De 1968 à 1979
- 1968
- a. "Oligopoly, the Sherman Act, and The New Industrial State", Social Science Quarterly, Vol 49, (juin)
- b. "Mergers: Their Causes and Cures," 2 Antitrust Law & Economics Review 53 (Fall, 1968).
- 1969, "The Antimerger Law: Pyrrhic Victories?," 12 Journal of Law & Economics 43 (April, 1969). Cited by Justice Stewart in Ford Motor Co. v. U.S., 405 U.S. 562, 582 (1972).
- 1970, "Predatory Pricing: The Case of the Gunpowder Trust," 13 Journal of Law and Economics 23 (April, 1970).
- 1971, "The Beer Industry," in Walter Adams (ed.), The Structure of American Industry 4th ed. (New York: Macmillan). Cited by Justice Marshall in U.S. v. Falstaff, 410 U.S. 526, 551 (1973).
- 1972
- a. Economics: A Reader (edited) (New York: Harper & Row, 1972).
- b. "The Demand for Beer," (avec Thomas F. Hogarty), 54 Review of Economics & Statistics 195 (May, 1972)
- c. "The Demise of Capitalism and the Christian's Response", Christianity Today, 7 juillet
- 1973,
- a. "Attitudes Toward Risk and Antitrust Penalties," (avec William Breit) 85 Harvard Law Review 693 (February, 1973).
- b. "The Problem of Geographic Market Delineation in Antimerger Suits," (avec Thomas F. Hogarty) 18 Antitrust Bulletin 45 (printemps, 1973).
- c. "The Restructuring of the U.S. Brewing Industry," 1 Industrial Organization Review 101 (1973).
- 1974
- a. "The Instruments of Antitrust Enforcement," (avec William Breit) in J. Dalton and S. Levin (eds.) The Antitrust Dilemma (London & Toronto: Lexington-Heath).
- b. "Private Actions: The Purposes Sought and the Results Achieved: The Economist's View," (avec William Breit) 43 Antitrust Law Journal 9 (1974).
- c. "Product Differentiation and Institutionalism: New Shadows on An Old Terrain," (avec William Breit) 8 Journal of Economic Issues 813 (décembre, 1974).
- d. "Antitrust Enforcement, Private Actions and Economic Efficiency: The Uneasy Case for Treble Damages," (avec William Breit) 17 Journal of Law and Economics 329 (octobre, 1974).
- 1975, Economics: A Reader (edited) 2nd ed. (New York: Harper & Row, 1975).
- 1976,
- a. "The Economics of Dissolution, Divorcement and Divestiture," in Charles F. Phillips, Jr. (ed.) Competition and Regulation - Some Economic Aspects (Lexington: Washington & Lee University, 1976).
- b. The Antitrust Penalties: A Study in Law and Economics co-author avec William Breit (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1976). Cited by Justice Burger in Texas Industries v. Radcliff Materials, 451 U.S. 630, 636 (1981).
- 1977
- a. "The Goals of Antitrust - Other Than Competition and Efficiency, What Else Counts?," 125 University of Pennsylvania Law Review 1191 (juin).
- b. "The Beer Industry," in Walter Adams (ed.) The Structure of American Industry 5th ed. (New York: Macmillan).
- 1978
- a. Economics: A Reader (edited) 3rd. ed. (New York: Harper & Row,).
- b. "Cartel Problems and Their Persistence," (avec David E. Mills) 68 American Economic Review 938 (décembre, 1978).
- c. Murder At The Margin by Marshall Jevons (pseudonym), co-author avec William Breit (Glen Ridge: Thomas Horton and Daughters) 1978. A mystery novel in which the protagonist uses economic analysis to solve the crime.
- d. "The Problem of Geographic Market Delineation Revisited: The Case of Coal," (avec Thomas F. Hogarty) 23, Antitrust Bulletin 1 (printemps, 1978).
- e. "The Travel Agent, the IATA Cartel, and Consumer Welfare," 44 Journal of Air Law and Commerce 47 (1978).
- f. "Utah Pie and the Consequences of Robinson-Patman," (avec Thomas F. Hogarty) 21 Journal of Law and Economics 427 (octobre).
- 1979,
- a. "Coase, R. H.", In: David L. Sills, dir., "International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences: Bilgraphical Supplement", Vol 18, New York: Free Press, pp127-127
- b. "The Robinson-Patman Act: A New Deal for Small Business," in Gary M. Walton (ed.) Regulatory change in an Atmosphere of Crisis: The Current-day Implications of the Roosevelt Years (New York: Academic Press, 1979).
- c. "The Compass of Competition for Professional Services," in Roger D. Blair and Steven Rubin (eds.) Regulating the Professions (London & Toronto: Lexington-Heath, 1979).
De 1980 à 1989
- 1980, "Ezra Pound and the GNP," (avec William Breit) 46 Southern Economic Journal 904 (janvier).
- 1981,
- a. "Information For Antitrust and Business Activity: Line-Of-Business Reporting," (avec William Breit) in Kenneth W. Clarkson & Timothy J. Muris (eds.) The Federal Trade Commission Since 1970 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press).
- b. "Mr. Friedman's Strictures on Murder at the Margin," (avec William Breit under the name of Marshall Jevons) 36 Public Choice 195 (1981).
- c. "Defining Geographic Market Boundaries," 26 Antitrust Bulletin 739 (Winter, 1981).
- 1982,
- a. "The Beer Industry," in Walter Adams (ed.) The Structure of America Industry 6th ed. (New York: Macmillan, 1982).
- b. The Antitrust Casebook: Milestones in Economic Regulation co-edited avec William Breit (Hinsdale, IL: Dryden Press).
- 1984
- a. "Elzinga On Coase," in Henry W. Spiegel and Warren J. Samuels (eds.) Contemporary Economists in Perspective (Greenwich: JAI Press, 1984).
- b. Relevant Markets In Antitrust co-edited avec Robert W. Rogowsky. 14 Journal of Reprints for Antitrust Law and Economics (1984).
- c. "New Developments on the Cartel Front," 29 Antitrust Bulletin 3 (printemps, 1984). Also appeared in slightly revised form as "A Short Story on Cartels," Department of Justice, Antitrust Division, Economic Policy Office, Discussion Paper EPO 83-13, octobre, 1983.
- 1985,
- a. "Private Antitrust Enforcement: The New Learning," (avec William Breit) 28 Journal of Law and Economics 405 (mai).
- b. "Public Choice and Antitrust: A Comment," 4 Cato Journal 917 (Winter, 1985).
- c. The Fatal Equilibrium by Marshall Jevons (pseudonym), co-author avec William Breit (Cambridge: MIT Press, 1985). Paperback version published by Ballantine, 1986.
- Japanese version published by Nihon-Keizai-Shinbun, 1986.
- French edition. Equilibre fatal (Paris: Economica, 2002);
- Korean edition, (Seoul: Book and World, 2001).
- d. avec Geoffrey Brennan et Walter Block, dir., "Morality of The Market: Religious and Economic Perspectives", Vancouver Fraser Institute
- e. avec Geoffrey Brennan et Walter Block, "Preface", In: Walter Block, Geoffrey Brennan,Kenneth Elzinga, dir., "Morality of The Market: Religious and Economic Perspectives", Vancouver Fraser Institute, ppi-xxv
- f. "Preface", In: Walter Block, Geoffrey Brennan,Kenneth Elzinga, dir., "Morality of The Market: Religious and Economic Perspectives", Vancouver Fraser Institute, ppi-xxv
- g. dir., "Comment" on Ezra J. Mishan's, "Religion, Culture and Technology", In: Walter Block, Geoffrey Brennan,Kenneth Elzinga, dir., "Morality of The Market: Religious and Economic Perspectives", Vancouver Fraser Institute, pp20-32
- h. "Comment" on Ezra J. Mishan, "Religion, Culture, and Technology", In: Walter Block, Geoffrey Brennan,Kenneth Elzinga, dir., "Morality of The Market: Religious and Economic Perspectives", Vancouver Fraser Institute, pp322-329
- i. "Money-Wise, Pound Was Foolish," The Wall Street Journal, décembre 31, 1985, p. 8. Published in slightly revised form as "Ezra Pound: The Poet As An Economist," Fall Thoughtlines 17, both Pound centennial pieces drawn from "Ezra Pound and the GNP," supra.
- 1986,
- a. "The Beer Industry," in Walter Adams (ed.) The Structure of American Industry 7th ed. (New York: Macmillan, 1986).
- b. avec William Breit, "Antitrust Penalty Reform: An Economic Survey", Washington and London: American Enterprise Institute
- 1987,
- a. "Technology and Energy Use Before, During and After OPEC: The U.S. Portland Cement Industry," (avec Charles A. Capone) 8 The Energy Journal 93 (1987).
- b. "Antitrust Policy and Trade Policy," 56 Antitrust Law Journal 439 (1987).
- 1988
- a. "The Costs of the Legal System in Private Antitrust Enforcement," (avec William C. Wood) in Lawrence J. White (ed.) Private Antitrust Litigation: New Evidence, New Learning (Cambridge: MIT Press).
- b. "Pricing Achievements In Large Companies," in Arnold A. Heggestad (ed.) Management and Public Policy of Corporations (Gainesville: University of Florida Press).
- c. "Introduction" to Ronald H. Coase, in Ideas, Their Origins, and Their Consequences, Washington, D.C.: American Enterprise Institute
- d. "The New International Economics Applied: Japanese Televisions and U.S. Consumers," in "Antitrust Law and the Internationalization of Markets," symposium issue, David J. Gerber (ed.) 64 Chicago-Kent Law Review 941
- 1989
- a. "Collusive Predation: The Case of Matsushita v. Zenith" in John E. Kwoka, Jr. and Lawrence J. White (eds.) The Antitrust Revolution (Glenview: Scott, Foresman, 1989), (2nd. ed. New York: Harper Collins, 1994), (3rd. ed. [revised] Oxford University Press).
- b. "Unmasking Monopoly: Four Types Of Economic Evidence," in Robert J. Lamer and James W. Meehan, Jr. (eds.) Economics And Antitrust Policy (Westport. CT: Greenwood Press, 1989).
- c. The Antitrust Casebook: Milestones in Economic Regulation (2nd ed.) co-edited avec William Breit (Hinsdale, IL: Dryden Press, 1989).
- d. avec David E. Mills, "Testing for Predation: Is Recoupment Feasible?", Antitrust Bulletin, Vol 34, Winter, pp869-893 (cité par Justice Kennedy in Brooke Group v. Brown & Williamson, 509 U.S. 209)
De 1990 à 1999
- 1990
- a. "The Beer Industry," in Walter Adams (ed.) The Structure of American Industry 8th ed. (New York: Macmillan
- b. "Commentary: Remarks of Professor Scherer," 29 Washbum Law Journal 264
- 1991
- a. "Walter Adams and Chicago," 6 Review of Industrial Organization 117
- b. Antitrust, the Market and the State: The Contributions of Walter Adams co-edited avec James W. Brock (Armonk, N.Y.: M.E. Sharpe).
- 1992
- a. "The Eleven Principles of Economics," 58 Southern Economic Journal 861 (1992).
- b. "Jefferson and Schumpeter: Contrasts and Compatibilities," in Mark Perlman and F.M. Scherer (eds.) Entrepreneurship, Technological Innovation, and Economic Growth: Papers in the Schumpeterian Tradition (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press).
- 1993, Murder At The Margin by Marshall Jevons (pseudonym), revised and reissued avec a Foreword by Herbert Stein and an Afterword by the authors (co-author avec William Breit). (Princeton: Princeton University Press).
- Traduction espagnole en 1996, Asesinato en al Margen (Madrid: El Libro de Bolsillo,1996)
- Traduction coréenne en 2001 (Seoul: Book and World, 2001)
- Traduction française en 2002, Meurtre A La Marge (Paris: Economica, 2002).
- 1994
- a. "Trumping the Areeda-Turner Test: The Recoupment Standard In Brooke Group," (avec David E. Mills) 62 Antitrust Law Journal 559
- b. "The Beer Industry," in Walter Adams and James Brock (eds.) The Structure of American Industry 9th ed. (New York: Prentice-Hall).
- c. "The Relevant Market for Less-Than-Truckload Freight: Deregulation's Consequences," 34 Transportation Journal 29
- 1995
- a. "Monopolies" and "Profit" Entries in D. J. Atkinson and D. H. Field (eds.) New Dictionary of Christian Ethics and Pastoral Theology (Leicester: InterVarsity Press, 1995).
- b. A Deadly Indifference by Marshall Jevons (pseudonym), co-author avec William Breit (New York: Carroll & Graf).
- c. "The Supreme Court's Predation Odyssey: From Fruit Pies to Cigarettes" (avec Donald J. Boudreaux and David E. Mills) 4 Supreme Court Economic Review 57 (1995).
- d. "An Assessment of Jacob Neusner's The Economics of the Mishnah." 7 Cultural Dynamics 281 (1995) and "Jacob Neusner and Post-Mishnah Economics" (a response to Neusner's "Defining Scarce Resources: Real Estate or Intellect"), 7 Cultural Dynamics 327 (1995) in "Religious and Cultural Perspectives on Economic Freedom: Christians and the Jewish Tradition," (Walter Block ed.) 7 Cultural Dynamics (Nov. 1995).
- 1996
- a. The Antitrust Casebook: Milestones in Economic Regulation (3rd ed.) co-edited avec William Breit (Fort Worth: Dryden Press, 1996).
- b. "The Yeager Mystique: The Polymath as Teacher, Scholar and Colleague," (avec William Breit and Thomas D. Willett) 22 Eastern Economic Journal 215 (1996).
- c. "Innovation and Entry in the U.S. Disposable Diaper Industry," (avec David E. Mills) 5 Industrial and Corporate Change 791 (1996).
- d. "Is Predation Rational? Is it Profitable? Comment to Adams, Brock and Obst," (avec David E. Mills) 11 Review of Industrial Organization 759 (1996).
- 1997
- a. "Speculation" Entry in R. E. Freeman and P. H. Werhane (eds.) Dictionary of Business Ethics (Oxford: Blackwell Publishers).
- b. "Teaching Economics: Inspiration & Perspiration," in Phillip Saunders & William G. Walsted (eds.) Teaching Undergraduate Economics: A Handbook for Instructors (New York: McGraw Hill, 1997).
- c. "The Distribution and Pricing of Prescription Drugs," (avec David E. Mills) 4 International Journal of the Economics of Business 287(1997).
- 1998
- a. A Deadly Indifference by Marshall Jevons (pseudonym, co-author avec William Breit) (Princeton: Princeton University Pres) Paperback version of 1995 book by same title.
- b. "Morality and Antitrust Laws: A Reply to Jeffrey Tucker," 1 The Journal of Markets and Morality 83
- c. "Switching Costs in the Wholesale Distribution of Cigarettes," (avec David E. Mills) 65 Southern Economic Journal 282
- 1999
- a. "Economics and Religion: An Essay," in James M. Dean and A.M.C. Waterman (eds.) Religion and Economics: Normative Social Theory, (Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers).
- b. "Price Wars Triggered by Entry," (avec David E. Mills) 17 International Journal of Industrial Organization 179
- c. "Walter Adams: In Memoriam," 3 Southern Economic Journal 65
- d. "Henry C. Simons," biographical entry in John A. Garraty and Mark C. Carnes (Eds.) American National Biography Vol. 20, New York: Oxford University Press.
- e. "PC Software," (avec David E. Mills) 44 The Antitrust Bulletin 739
- f. Personal statement of teaching philosophy in J. Jenry Morsman IV, William B. McAllister, Marva A. Barnett (Eds.) Reflections on Teaching. Personal Essays on the Scholarship of Teaching. (Charlottesville: Teaching Resource Center of the University of Virginia).
- g. "Industrial Organization and Human Action," 19 Cato Journal 233.
De 2000 à 2009
- 2000, "The Beer Industry," in Walter Adams and James Brock (eds.) The Structure of American Industry 10th ed. (Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 2000).
- 2001,
- a. "Independent Service Organizations and Economic Efficiency," (avec David. E. Mills) 39 Economic Inquiry 287
- b. "U.S. v. Microsoft: Remedy or Malady?" (avec David. S. Evans and Albert L. Nichols) 9 George Mason Law Review 633(2001).
- c. "Predatory Pricing and Strategic Theory," (avec David E. Mills) 89 Georgetown Law Journal 2475 (2001).
- d. "Fifteen Theses on Classroom Teaching," 68 Southern Economic Journal 249 (2001).
- 2002, "The Economist as Detective," (avec William Breit) 33 Journal of Economic Education 367
- 2003, "Uniform Gasoline Price Regulation: Consequences for Consumer Welfare," (avec Michael C. Keeley) 10 International Journal of the Economics of Business 157
- 2004,
- a. "The Brand Name Prescription Drugs Antitrust Litigation (1999)," (avec David E. Mills) in John E. Kwoka, Jr. and Lawrence J. White (eds.), The Antitrust Revolution (4th ed.), Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2004
- b. avec Robert W. Crandall, "Injunctive Relief in Sherman Act Monopolization Cases", Journal of Research in Law and Economics
- c. "The Beer Industry," in Walter Adams and James Brock (eds.) The Structure of American Industry 11th ed. (Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall
- 2009, avec Matthew R. Givens, "Christianity and Hayek", Faith & Economics, Vol 53, Spring, pp53–68
Liens externes
- (en)Elzinga's website at University of Virginia
- (en)CV sur le site du ministère de la justice américain
- (en)"Econ 101: Mystery novelist polishes his Spearman"
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