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Aaron Russo

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Aaron Russo

Dates 1944 - 2007
Aaron Russo
Tendance libertarien
Nationalité États-Unis États-Unis
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Citation « My principles are freedom for all people... I'm trying to wake up Hollywood. It's been a bastion of freedom but they're being deceived, suckered into this indoctrination of the federal government which is leading toward a totalitarian country. They've lost sight of individual liberty. »
Interwikis sur Aaron Russo

Aaron Russo, né le 14 février 1943 et décédé le 24 août 2007, est un producteur de films, basé à Hollywood. Il a notamment été le manager de Bette Midler. C'est un membre important du parti libertarien américain, et il a été candidat de ce parti lors des primaires organisées pour l'élection présidentielle de 2004.

Biographie d'Aaron Russo

Il s'est présenté aux élections du gouverneur du Nevada en 1998, sous les couleurs du parti Républicain.

En 2006, Aaron Russo a écrit, réalisé et produit un documentaire politique libertarien intitulé America : From Freedom to Fascism. Dans celui-ci, il parle de l'Internal Revenue Service (IRS, le fisc américain), de l'impôt sur le revenu aux États-Unis, de la Banque fédérale américaine, des documents d'identités aux USA, des puces sous-cutanées, des machines de vote électronique, de la mondialisation, du fait que les USA deviennent un État policier, de la surveillance de masse (Big Brother) et du recours des gouvernements au terrorisme pour diminuer les droits et libertés des individus.


  • « My principles are freedom for all people... I'm trying to wake up Hollywood. It's been a bastion of freedom but they're being deceived, suckered into this indoctrination of the federal government which is leading toward a totalitarian country. They've lost sight of individual liberty. » -- in Daily Variety, durant sa campagne électorale dans le Nevada.

Citations tirées de America: From Freedom to Fascism

  • Michael Ruppert (Investigator/Author): The Federal Reserve is no more 'federal' than Federal Express. I've never seen a full list of ownership for the Fed -- I don't think anybody has.
  • Peter Gibbons (Tax Attorney): There is no constitutional basis for a tax on the wages of Americans living and working in the 50 states of the union. Period, end of argument.
  • Irwin Schiff (Author): Nobody can know what the law is, because the law is what the judges *say* the law is.
  • Ron Paul (Congressman): You have to get permission from the government for almost *everything*. And if that is the definition of a Police State -- that you can't do anything unless the government gives you permission -- we're well on our way.
  • Aaron Russo: I began to have a frightening thought: what if it was our own government we had to be afraid of?
  • Edwin Viera (Prof. Constitutional Law): What happens if your own government is using more force, and more coercion, on its own citizens, for the purposes of achieving *its* political ends -- is that government engaged in terrorism?
  • G. Edward Griffin (Author, 'Creature From Jekyll Island'): Unfortunately, what is being sold to the American people today, as 'Americanism'... If you peel off the label, you'd find *so* much similarity to what we were fighting against when we were fighting Communism, and Nazism, and Fascism.
  • Michael Ruppert (Investigator/Author): Benito Mussolini had a great quote about Fascism: he said that 'Fascism' should be called 'Corporatism' more properly, because it's the perfect merger, of power between the corporation and the State. That's how he defined Fascism and that's what we're seeing here.
  • Edwin Viera (Prof. Constitutional Law): *All* the power is in the people. And to the extent that government becomes alienated from the people, does things the people don't want, power is transferred until you finally come to a Police State, totalitarian state, whatever word you want to give it -- where the desires of the people really have no consequence. They go out and they vote, doesn't make any difference which candidate they elect.

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