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David R. Henderson (bibliographie)

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Cet article présente la liste des œuvres de David R. Henderson, de façon aussi exhaustive que possible. Pour une présentation de l'auteur et de sa pensée, voir l'article dédié.

De 1980 à 1989

  • 1989,
    • a. "Who Needs a Citizens Corps?", Barron’s, avril 24, p9
    • b. "The Supply-Side Tax Revenue Effects of the Child Care Tax Credit", Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, Vol 8, n°4, Autumn, pp673–675

De 1990 à 1999

  • 1991, "A Humane Economist's Case for Drug Legalization", UC Davis Law Review, University of California, Davis, Vol 24, pp655–676
  • 1993,
    • a. “Why We Need School Choice”, Insight, January, Vol 43, n°10, pp26–29
    • b. "The Europeanization of the U.S. Labor Market", Public Interest, n°113
    • c. Biography of Friedrich August Hayek (1899-1992), In: David R. Henderson, dir., "The Fortune Encyclopedia of Economics", New York: Warner Books
    • d. dir., "The Fortune Encyclopedia of Economics: 141 Top Economists Explain the Theories, Mechanics, and Institutions of Money, Trade, and Markets", Warner Books, Inc.
    • e. "Preface", In David R. Henderson, dir., "The Fortune Encyclopedia of Economics: 141 Top Economists Explain the Theories, Mechanics, and Institutions of Money, Trade, and Markets", Warner Books, Inc., ppxvii-xx
    • f. "Demand", In David R. Henderson, dir., "The Fortune Encyclopedia of Economics: 141 Top Economists Explain the Theories, Mechanics, and Institutions of Money, Trade, and Markets", Warner Books, Inc., pp7-8
    • g. "Opportunity cost", In David R. Henderson, dir., "The Fortune Encyclopedia of Economics: 141 Top Economists Explain the Theories, Mechanics, and Institutions of Money, Trade, and Markets", Warner Books, Inc., pp44-45
    • h. "Patents", In David R. Henderson, dir., "The Fortune Encyclopedia of Economics: 141 Top Economists Explain the Theories, Mechanics, and Institutions of Money, Trade, and Markets", New York: Time-Warner Books, Inc., pp414-416
    • i. "Environmentalism: A preface", In David R. Henderson, dir., "The Fortune Encyclopedia of Economics: 141 Top Economists Explain the Theories, Mechanics, and Institutions of Money, Trade, and Markets", New York: Time-Warner Books, Inc., p441
    • j. "Present value", In David R. Henderson, dir., "The Fortune Encyclopedia of Economics: 141 Top Economists Explain the Theories, Mechanics, and Institutions of Money, Trade, and Markets", New York: Time-Warner Books, Inc., pp596-597
    • k. "German Economic 'Miracle'", In David R. Henderson, dir., "The Fortune Encyclopedia of Economics: 141 Top Economists Explain the Theories, Mechanics, and Institutions of Money, Trade, and Markets", New York: Time-Warner Books, Inc., pp738-743
    • l. "Japan and the Myth of MITI", In David R. Henderson, dir., "The Fortune Encyclopedia of Economics: 141 Top Economists Explain the Theories, Mechanics, and Institutions of Money, Trade, and Markets", New York: Time-Warner Books, Inc., pp743-747
  • 1997,
    • a. "The Case for Sweatshops", Weekly Standard, February 7
    • b. "Lessons of East Asia's economic growth", Obits, Foreign Policy Research Institute, Vol 41, n°3, Summer, July, pp427–443
    • c. "Property Rights in the Family-and Beyond", The Freeman, February, Vol 47, n°2, pp65-66
    • d. "Measuring Economic Freedom and Assessing its Benefits", commentaire du livre coordonné par James Gwartney, Robert Lawson, Walter Block, "Economic Freedom of the World, 1975-1995", Agenda: A Journal of Policy Analysis and Reform, Vol 4, n°2, pp209-216

De 2000 à 2009

  • 2001, "The Joy of Freedom: An Economist's Odyssey", Upper Saddle River, NJ: Financial Times & Prentice Hall
  • 2002,
    • a. The Joy of Freedom: An Economist's Odyssey, Financial Times Prentice Hall
    • b. Misguided Virtue, Institute of Economic Affairs, London

De 2010 à 2015

  • 2015, "A Philosophical Economist’s Case against a Government-Guaranteed Basic Income", The Independent Review, Vol XIX, n°4, pp489–502