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Richard P. Adelstein

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Richard P. Adelstein

Tendance analyse économique du droit, école de Chicago
Nationalité États-Unis États-Unis
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Interwikis sur Richard Adelstein

Richard P. Adelstein est un juriste américain qui s'est intéressé à l'analyse économique du droit en adoptant la méthode utilitariste de l'école de Chicago et en étudiant, plus particulièrement l'analyse économique du crime.


  • 1978, "The negotiated guilty plea: a framework for analysis.", New York University Law Review 53 (October): 783-833
  • 1979, "Informational paradox and the pricing of crime: capital sentencing standards in economic perspective." Journal of criminal Law and Criminology 70, (September)
  • 1981, Institutional Function and Evolution in the Criminal Process, Northwestern University Law Review, 76, pp1–99
  • 1985, avec S. I. Peretz, "The Competition of Technologies in Markets for Ideas : Copyright and Fair Use in Evolutionary Perspective", International Review of Law and Economics, Vol 5, pp209-238
  • 1990, commentaire du livre de Ellen Frankel Paul et Howard Dickman, "Liberty, Property, and Government: Constitutional Interpretation Before the New Deal", The Business History Review, Vol 64, n°1, Government and Business, Spring, pp172-175
  • 1992, ‘Charles E. Lindblom’, In: Warren J. Samuels, dir., New Horizons in Economic Thought: Appraisals of Leading Economists, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, pp202-226
  • 1996, Language Orders, Constitutional Political Economy, 7, pp221–238
  • 1998, American Institutional Economics and the Legal System, In: Peter Newman, dir., "The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics and the Law", Vol. I, London: Macmillan, pp61–66
  • 2010, "Firms as social actors", Journal of Institutional Economics, Vol 6, n°3, September, pp329-349

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