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Shelby D. Hunt
Shelby D. Hunt | |||||
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Shelby D. Hunt, né le 5 juillet 1939 et décédé le 12 juillet 2022, est un théoricien des organisations et chercheur en marketing renommé[1].
Il enseigna longuement à l'université du Michigan State. Auparavant, il fut rédacteur en chef du Journal of Marketing (1984 - 1987) et professeur de marketing à l'université du Wisconsin-Madison (1974 - 1980). Ses principaux domaines de recherche concernent la concurrence, la stratégie, la théorie du marketing, l'éthique et la philosophie des sciences. Il est un des rares universitaires à inclure les analyses de l'école de Chicago et celles de l'école autrichienne en stratégie et en marketing.
Dans son article[2] en 2001, il analyse le débat antitrust aux États-Unis. Ce dernier fut fondé et guidé par des principes qui découlent de l'équilibre général en économie. Toutefois, ces principes montrent mal les éléments clés de l'économie réelle. Shelby Hunt et Dennis Arnett explorent donc la nature du débat sur l'antitrust en examinant l'argument de l'efficacité du transfert de richesse. Et, ils esquissent une théorie du processus de la concurrence (théorie de la firme dite Théorie du management par les ressources) en s'appuyant largement sur la théorie de la concurrence de l'école autrichienne. Ils en profitent pour examiner les implications de l'utilisation d'une analyse sous l'angle du processus de la concurrence afin de servir de base à la politique antitrust.
Notes et références
- ↑ Son article, “The Commitment-Trust Theory of Relationship Marketing” (Journal of Marketing) en 1994 avec Robert M. Morgan, est l'article le plus cité dans le domaine de la recherche en marketing dans la période 1993 à 2003 (Thomson-ISI, 2003)
- ↑ Shelby D. Hunt et Dennis B. Arnett, 2001, Competition as an Evolutionary Process and Antitrust Policy, Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, Vol 20, n°1, pp15-26
de 1971 à 1979
- 1971,
- a. avec Urban B. Ozanne, The Economic Effects of Franchising, Washington: United States Senate--U.S. Government Printing Office
- b. "The Morphology of Theory and the General Theory of Marketing", Journal of Marketing, 31, April, pp65–68
- 1973, "Lawlike Generalizations and Marketing Theory", Journal of Marketing, 37, July, pp69–70
- 1976,
- a. Marketing Theory: Conceptual Foundations of Research in Marketing, Columbus: Grid Publishing, Inc.
- b. The Nature and Scope of Marketing, Journal of Marketing, vol. 40, n°3, pp17-28
de 1980 à 1989
- 1981, avec James A. Muncy et Nina Ray, "Alderson’s General Theory of Marketing: A Formalization", In: Ben Enis et K. Roering, dir., "Review of Marketing 1981", The American Marketing Association, Chicago, pp314-324
- Repris en 2006, "Alderson’s General Theory of Marketing: A Formalization", In: Stanley J. Shapiro, Robert D. Tamilia, Ben Wooliscroft, "A twenty-first century guide to aldersonian marketing thought", New York: Springer Science+Business Media, Inc., pp337-349
- 1982, avec Ronald Bush, "Marketing Theory: Philosophy of Science Perspectives", Chicago: American Marketing Association
- 1983,
- a. Marketing Theory: The Philosophy of Marketing Science, Homewood, Illinois: Richard D. Irwin, Inc.
- b. General Theories and the Fundamental Explananda of Marketing, Journal of Marketing, vol. 47, n°4, pp9-17
- 1988, avec Jerry Goolsby, "The Rise and Fall of the Functional Approach to Marketing: A Paradigm Displacement Perspective", In: Terence Nevett, Ronald A. Fullerton, dir., "Historical Perspectives in Marketing: Essays in Honor of Stanley C. Hollander", Lexington: Lexington Books, pp35-51
de 1990 à 1999
- 1990, "Truth in Marketing Theory and Research", Journal of Marketing, 54 (July), pp1-15
- 1991, "Modern Marketing Theory: Critical Issues in the Philosophy of Marketing Science", Cincinnati: SouthWestern Publishing Co.
- 1992, "For Reason and Realism in Marketing", Journal of Marketing, Vol 56, April, pp89-102
- 1993, "Objectivity in Marketing Theory and Research", Journal of Marketing, Vol 57, April, pp76–91
- 1995,
- a. avec Robert M. Morgan, "The Comparative Advantage Theory of Competition", Journal of Marketing, Vol 59, n°2, April, pp1-15
- b. "The Resource-Advantage Theory of Competition: Toward Explaining Productivity and Economic Growth", Journal of Management Inquiry, Vol 4, n°4, December, pp317–332
- 1996, avec Robert M. Morgan, "The Resource-Advantage Theory of Competition: Dynamics, Path Dependencies, and Evolutionary Dimensions", Journal of Marketing, Vol. 60, n°4, Oct., pp107-114
- 1997,
- a. "Resource-Advantage Theory: An Evolutionary Theory of Competitive Firm Behavior?", Journal of Economic Issues, Vol 31, March, n°1, pp59–77
- b. "Resource-Advantage Theory and the Wealth of Nations", Journal of Socio-Economies, 26 (4), pp335–357
- c. "Evolutionary Economics, Endogenous Growth Models, and Resource-Advantage Theory", Eastern Economic Journal, 23 (4), pp427–441
- d. "Competing through Relationships: Grounding Relationship Marketing in Resource-Advantage Theory", Journal of Marketing Management, Vol 13, pp431–445
- e. avec Robert M. Morgan, "Resource-advantage theory: A snake swallowing its tail or a general theory of competition?", Journal of Marketing, 61(4), pp74-83
- 1998, "Productivity, Economic Growth, and Competition: Resource Allocation and Resource Creation?", Business and the Contemporary World, 10 (3), pp367–394
- 1999, "The Strategic Imperative and Sustainable Competitive Advantage: Public Policy Implications of Resource-Advantage Theory", Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Vol 27, n°2, pp144-159
de 2000 à 2009
- 2000,
- a. "A General Theory of Competition: Resources, Competences, Productivity", Economic Growth. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications
- b. "A General Theory of Competition: Too Eclectic or Not Eclectic Enough? Too Incremental or Not Incremental Enough? Too Neoclassical or Not Neoclassical Enough?", Journal of Macromarketing, June, Vol 20, pp77-81
- c. "Synthesizing Resource-Based, Evolutionary, and Neoclassical Thought: Resource-Advantage Theory as a General Theory of Competition", In: Nikolai J. Foss, P. J. Robertson, dir. "Resources, Technology, and Strategy", London: Routledge, pp53–79
- d. "The Competence-Based, Resource-Advantage, and Neoclassical Theories of Competition: Toward a Synthesis", In: R. Sanchez, A. Haene, dir., "Advances in Applied Business Strategy Series", Greenwich: JAI Press, pp177–208
- e. avec C. Jay Lambe, "Marketing's Contribution to Business Strategy: Market Orientation, Relationship Marketing, and Resource-Advantage Theory", International Journal of Management Review, 2 (1), pp17–44
- 2001,
- a. avec Dennis B. Arnett, "Competition as an Evolutionary Process and Antitrust Policy", Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, Vol 20, n°1, pp15-26
- b. "A General Theory of Competition: Issues, Answers, and an Invitation", European Journal of Marketing, Vol 35, n°5/6, pp524–548
- c. avec Dale F. Duhan, "Competition in the Third Millennium: Efficiency or Effectiveness?", Journal of Business Research, 55 (2), pp97–102
- 2002,
- a. "Foundations of Marketing Theory: Toward a General Theory of Marketing", Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, Inc.
- b. Marketing as a profession: on closing stakeholder gap, European Jounral of Marketing, vol 36, n°3, pp305-312
- c. Resource-Advantage Theory and Austrian Economics, In: Nicolai J. Foss et Peter G. Klein, dir., Entrepreneurship and the Firm: Austrian Perspectives on Economic Organization, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp248-272
- d. avec Dennis B. Arnett, "Competitive irrationality: The influence of moral philosophy", Business Ethics Quarterly, Vol 12, pp279-303
- 2003,
- a. "Controversy in Marketing Theory: For Reason, Realism, Truth, and Objectivity", Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, Inc.
- b. avec Dennis B. Arnett, "Resource-Advantage theory and Embeddedness: Explaining R-A Theory’s Explanatory Success", Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 11(1), pp1-16
- 2004, avec Dennis B. Arnett, "Market Segmentation Strategy, Competitive Advantage, and Public Policy", Australasian Marketing Journal, 12 (1), pp7-25
- 2006,
- a. avec Dennis B. Arnett, "Does marketing success lead to market success?", Journal of Business Research, Vol 59, n°7, pp820-828
- b. avec S. Madhavaram, "Teaching Marketing Strategy: Using Resource-Advantage Theory as an Integrative Theoretical Foundation", Journal of Marketing Education, Vol 28, n°2, pp93–105,
de 2010 à 2019
- 2011, "The Theory of Monopolistic Competition, Marketing’s Intellectual History, and the Product Differentiation Versus Market Segmentation Controversy", Journal of Macromarketing, March, Vol 31, n°1, pp73-84
- 2012, "Trust, Personal Moral Codes, and the Resource-Advantage Theory of Competition: Explaining Productivity, Economic Growth, and Wealth Creation", Contemporary Economics, Vol 6, n°2, pp4-19
- 2015, "The theoretical foundations of strategic marketing and marketing strategy: foundational premises, R-A theory, three fundamental strategies, and societal welfare", AMS Review, Vol 5, n°3/4, pp61–77
- 2018, "Advancing marketing strategy in the marketing discipline and beyond: from promise, to neglect, to prominence, to fragment (to promise?)". Journal of Marketing Management, Vol 34, n°1/2, pp16–51
Littérature secondaire
- 1992, Paul J. Peter, "Realism or Relativism for Marketing Theory and Research: A Comment on Hunt’s ‘Scientific Realism’", Journal of Marketing, Vol 56, April, pp72-79
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