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Donald R. Leal

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Donald R. Leal a reçu ses diplômes de B.S. en mathématique et son M.S. en statistiques à l'université d'État de Californie à Hayward. Il est chercheur au PERC sur les problèmes des ressources naturelles et de l'écologie depuis 1985. Il essaie de comprendre comment empêcher l'épuisement des ressources marines avec l'établissement de Droits de propriété et comment restaurer les richesses halieutiques en établissant des quotas plutôt que de s'appuyer sur la règlementation. Les entrepreneurs appliquent des solutions innovatrices aux problèmes de l'écologie. les enviro-capitalistes, font le bien en faisant le bon, insiste-t-il.


  • 1990, John Baden, dir., "The Yellowstone Primer: Land and Resource Management in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem", San Francisco: Pacific Research Institute
  • 1991,
    • a. avec Terry L. Anderson, Going with the Flow, In: Ethics and Agriculture: An Anthology on Current Issues in World Context, Charles V. Blatz, ed. Moscow: University of Idaho Press, pp384-394
    • b. The Gulf Isn't Dead, New York Times (February 9)
    • c. avec Terry L. Anderson, "Free Market Environmentalism", Boulder: Westview Press
  • 1992,
    • a. avec Terry L. Anderson, Free Market Versus Political Environmentalism, Harvard Journal of Public Policy, vol. 15, no. 2, pp297-310
    • b. Using Property Rights to Regulate Fish Harvest, Christian Science Monitor (July 30)
  • 1994,
    • a. "Making Money on Timber Sales: A Federal and State Comparison", In: Terry L. Anderson, dir., "Multiple Conflicts Over Multiple Uses", Bozeman, MT: Political Economy Research Center, pp17-34
    • b. avec Terry L. Anderson, "Enviro-Capitalism vs. Environmental Statism", Regulation, n°2
      • Repris en 2002, "Enviro-Capitalism vs. Environmental Statism", In: David Boaz, dir., "Toward liberty. The idea that is changing the world: 25 years of public policy", Washington DC: Cato Institute, pp139-146
  • 1995, "Turning a Profit on Public Forests", PERC Policy Series PS-4. Bozeman, MT: Political Economy Research Center (septembre).
  • 1996,
    • a. "Community-Run Fisheries: "Preventing the 'Tragedy of the Commons'", In: Brian Lee Crowley, dir., "Taking Ownership", Halifax, Nova Scotia: AIMS, pp183-220
      • Repris en 1996, "Community-Run Fisheries: Avoiding the Tragedy of the Commons,", Bozeman, Mont.: Political Economy Research Center, PERC Policy Series #PS-7, septembre
    • b. avec Terry L. Anderson, Free Market Environmentalism, In: An Environmental Law Anthology, R.L. Fischman, M.I. Lipeles et Mark S. Squillace, Dir., Cincinnati, OH: Anderson Publishing Company, pp307-19
  • 1999, avec J. Bishop Grewell, Hunting for Habitat: A Practical Guide to State-Landowner Partnerships, avec. Bozeman, MT: Political Economy Research Center
  • 2000, Homesteading the Oceans: The Case for Property Rights in U.S. Fisheries, PERC Policy Series PS-19. Bozeman, MT: Political Economy Research Center (August)
  • 2001, avec Terry L. Anderson, Free Market Environmentalism, Revised Edition, New York, NY: Palgrave
  • 2002,
  • 2003,
    • a. A Bitter Pill for Crabbers, Washington Times (December 3)
    • b. avec Michael de Alessi, "Processor Quotas Threaten IFQS", Anchorage Daily News, 30 décembre 2003
  • 2004, Dir., Evolving Property Rights in Marine Fisheries, Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield Publishers
  • 2005, "Fencing the Fishery: A Primer on Ending the Race for Fish", Atlantic Institute for Market Studies
  • 2006, Saving Fisheries with Free Markets, Milken Institute Review, 8 (First Quarter), pp56-66
  • 2008, "Fishing for Wealth in Coastal Fisheries", In: Terry Anderson, Laura E. Huggins, Thomas M. Power, dir., "Accounting for Mother Nature", Stanford: Stanford University Press, pp119-142
  • 2010, dir., "Political Economy of Natural Resource Use: Lessons for Fisheries Reform", World Bank

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