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Histoire de la pensée économique
L'Histoire de la Pensée Économique s'attache à retracer l'évolution des principales théories économiques dans l'histoire.
Murray Rothbard a effectué un travail très important en écrivant un double volume (An Austrian Perspective on the History of Economic Thought) sur l'histoire de la pensée économique qui sont, aujourd'hui les références érudites du monde libéral et libertarien. Dans le premier volume ("La pensée économique avant Adam Smith"), Murray Rothbard retrace l'histoire de l'économie depuis la Grèce ancienne jusqu'à Adam Smith. Et, dans le second volume ("Classical Economics"), il discute de l'économie classique britannique, de l'école française du libéralisme classique et du marxisme.
- 1891, Alfred Espinas, "Histoire des doctrines économiques", Paris: Armand Colin
- 1899, J. Rambaud, "Histoire des doctrines économiques", Paris et Lyon, Larose et Cote.
- 1906, X. Treney, "Les grands économistes des XVIIIe et XIXe siècles", Paris, Librairie d’Éducation Nationale, 4e édition,
- 1909, Charles Gide, Charles Rist, "Une histoire des doctrines économiques"
- 1915,
- Lewis H. Haney, "History of Economic Thought", New York: MacMillan
- 4ème édition en 1949, New York: MacMillan
- Lewis H. Haney, "History of Economic Thought", New York: MacMillan
- 1920, Eric Roll, "A History Of Economic Thought", Londres: Faber & Faber
- seconde édition révisée et élargie en 1923, "A History Of Economic Thought", Londres: Faber & Faber
- 1921, René Gonnard, "Histoire des Doctrines Economiques", Paris: Librairie Generate de Droit et de Jurisprudence
- 1931, Alexander Gray, "The Development of Economic Doctrine", London: Longmans
- 2ème édition en 1933, "The Development of Economic Doctrine", London: Longmans
- 1933,
- Alexander Gray, "The Development of Economic Doctrines", New York: Longmans, Green & Co.
- William A. Scott, "The development of economics", D. Appleton-century Company incorporated, New York London
- 1934, Gaétan Pirou, "Les doctrines économiques en France depuis 1870". Collection Armand Colin, 3ème édition
- 1938, Erich Roll, "A History Of Economic Thought", London: Faber and Faber
- 1944, Daniel Villey, "Petite histoire des grandes doctrines Économiques", Paris: Presses Universitaires de France
- 1948, Alexander Gray, "The development of economic doctrine: an introductory survey", London, New York, Longmans, Green
- 1949, K. William Kapp, Lore L. Kapp, dir., "History Of Economic Thought", Barnes & Noble
- 1953, John Fred Bell, "A history of economic thought", New York: Ronald Press Co
- 1955, Emile James, "Histoire sommaire de la pensée économique", Paris: Montchrestien
- 1959, André Piettre, "Histoire de la pensée économique et analyse des théories contemporaines", Paris: Dalloz
- 1960, Overton H. Taylor, "A History of Economic Thought. Social Ideas and Economic Theories from Quesnay to Keynes", New York: McGraw Hill
- 1962, Ben Seligman, "Main Currents in Modern Economics. Economic Thought since 1870", New York, NY: The Free Press of Glencoe
- 1972, William J. Barber, "A history of economic thought", Harmondsworth: Penguin books
- 1975,
- Robert Ekelund, Robert F. Hébert, "A History of Economic Theory and Method", New York: McGraw-Hill, ISBN 0-0701-9143-3
- Nouvelle édition en 1983, "A History of Economic Theory and Method", New York: McGraw-Hill
- Nouvelle édition en 1990, New York: McGraw-Hill
- 5ème édition en 2007, Waveland Press. ISBN 57766-486-8
- Traduction en espagnol
- Traduction en serbo-croate
- Traduction en chinois
- Traduction en chinois
- Traduction en portugais
- Guy Routh, "The Origin of Economic Ideas", London/Basingtoke: Macmillan
- Robert Ekelund, Robert F. Hébert, "A History of Economic Theory and Method", New York: McGraw-Hill, ISBN 0-0701-9143-3
- 1983, Karl Pribram, "A history of economic reasoning", Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press
- Traduction en français en 1986, "Les fondements de la pensée économique", Paris: Economica
- 1986, Marc Blaug, "Economic History and the History of Economics", New York: NYU Press
- 1991, Henry William Spiegel, "The growth of economic thought", Durham: Duke University Press
- 1992, Alain Beraud, Gilbert Faccarello, dir., "Nouvelle histoire de la pensée économique, tome 1 : Des scolastiques aux classiques", Paris: Éditions La Découverte
- 1995,
- Murray Rothbard, "An Austrian Perspective on the History of Economic Thought, Vol 1, "Economic Thought Before Adam Smith" [lire en ligne]
- Murray Rothbard, "An Austrian Perspective on the History of Economic Thought, Vol 2, "Classical Economics" [lire en ligne]
- 1997, Marc Blaug, "Economic Theory in Retrospect", 5th ed., Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
- 2000,
- a. Alain Beraud, Gilbert Faccarello, dir., "Nouvelle histoire de la pensée économique, tome 2 : Des premiers mouvements socialistes aux néoclassiques", Paris: Editions La Découverte
- b. Alain Beraud, Gilbert Faccarello, dir., "Nouvelle histoire de la pensée économique, tome 3 : des institutionnalistes à la période contemporaine", Paris: Editions La Découverte
- 2002, Stephan Boehm, Christian Gehrke, Heinz D. Kurz, Richard Sturn, dir., "Is There Progress in Economics?: Knowledge, Truth and the History of Economic Thought", Edward Elgar Publishing
- 2003,
- Jeff Biddle, John Davis, Warren Samuels, dir., "Companion to the History of Economic Thought", Oxford, UK: Basil Blackwell Publishers
- Jeff Biddle, "Research Styles in the History of Economic Thought", In: Jeff Biddle, John Davis, Warren Samuels, dir., "Companion to the History of Economic Thought", Oxford, UK: Basil Blackwell Publishers, pp1-10
- José Luís Cardoso, "The International Diffusion of Economic Thought", In: Jeff Biddle, John Davis, Warren Samuels, dir., "Companion to the History of Economic Thought", Oxford, UK: Basil Blackwell Publishers, pp622-633
- John Lodewijks, "Research in the History of Economic Thought as a Vehicle for the Defense and Criticism of Orthodox Economics", In: Jeff Biddle, John Davis, Warren Samuels, dir., "Companion to the History of Economic Thought", Oxford, UK: Basil Blackwell Publishers, pp655-668
- Mark Perlman, "The History of Ideas and Economics", In: Jeff Biddle, John Davis, Warren Samuels, dir., "Companion to the History of Economic Thought", Oxford, UK: Basil Blackwell Publishers, pp634-654
- 2006, Peter Groenewegen, Gianni Vaggi, "A Concise History of Economic Thought: From Mercantilism to Monetarism", Palgrave Macmillan
- 2011, E. K. Hunt, Mark Lautzenheiser, "History of Economic Thought: A Critical Perspective", M.E. Sharpe (3ème édition)
- 2013, Steven G. Medema, Warren J. Samuels, dir., "The History of Economic Thought: A Reader", London: Routledge
- 2017, Paul A. Lewis, "Ontology and the History of Economic Thought: The Case of Anti-Reductionism in the Work of Friedrich Hayek", Cambridge Journal of Economics, Vol 41, n°5, pp1343-1365
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