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Barry Smith
Barry Smith est un spécialiste de l'ontologie. Il est directeur du centre national de recherche ontologique et Professeur de Philosophie à l'Université de Buffalo dans l'État de New York. Il est également rédacteur en chef de la revue 'The Monist'. Libéral et scientifique, il fait partie du bureau éditorial du Journal of Libertarian Studies.
En 1986, il s'est intéressé à montrer comment la philosophie autrichienne du dix-neuvième siècle a servi de guide au développement de l'école autrichienne d'économie. Il a démontré l'importance du philosophe autrichien, Franz Brentano et de ses successeurs, dans le développement d'une phénoménologie réaliste plutôt que dans sa forme herméneutique. Carl Menger a épousé la même méthodologie que celle de Franz Brentano, lui-même influencé par Aristote.
Intéressé par les travaux en psychologie, Barry Smith s'est penché sur les écrits précurseurs de Friedrich Hayek en psychologie, en philosophie de l'esprit en dans le connectionisme.
- 1975,
- a. Commentaire du livre de Roman Ingarden, The Literary Work of Art, Evanston, Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology, 6, pp141-44
- b. The Ontogenesis of Mathematical Objects, Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology, 6, pp91-101
- c. Historicity, Value and Mathematics, Analecta Husserliana, 4, pp219-39
- 1976, Matematyka a ontologiczna estetyka Ingardena, Studia Filozoficzne, 1/122, pp51-56
- 1978, An Essay in Formal Ontology, Grazer Philosophische Studien, 6, pp39-62
- 1979,
- a. Roman Ingarden: Ontological Foundations for Literary Theory, In: J. Odmark, Dir., Language, Literature and Meaning I: Problems of Literary Theory, Amsterdam: Benjamins, pp373-90
- b. On Making Sense of Ingarden, In: Crisis of Aesthetics, Cracow: Jagiellonian University, pp283-89
- 1980, Ingarden vs. Meinong on the Logic of Fiction, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 16, pp93-105
- 1982, Dir., Parts and Moments. Studies in Logic and Formal Ontology, Munich: Philosophia
- 1983, avec Kevin Mulligan, A framework for formal ontology, Topoi An International Journal of Philosophy, 3, pp73-86
- 1985, "The Substitution Theory of Art", Grazer Philosophische Studien, Vol 25, n°1, pp533-557
- 1986,
- a. avec Wolfgang Grassl, Dir., Austrian Economics: Historical and Philosophical Background, New York: New York University Press, London/Sydney: Croom Helm
- b. "Austrian Economics and Austrian Philosophy", In: Wolfgang Grassl, Barry Smith, dir., "Austrian Economics: Historical and Philosophical Background", pp1-36
- 1987, The Ontology of Epistemology, Reports on Philosophy, 11, pp57-66
- Traduction polonaise en 1995, Ontologia epistemologii, In: W. Strozewski et A. Wegrzecki, Dir., W Kregu Filozofii Romana Ingardena, Warsaw/Cracow: PWN, pp111-119
- 1988,
- a. dir., Foundations of Gestalt Theory. Muinich: Philosophia
- b. Gestalt Theory: An Essay in Philosophy, In: Barry Smith, Dir., Foundations of Gestalt Theory. Muinich: Philosophia, pp11-81
- c. avec Kevin Mulligan, Mach and Ehrenfels: The Foundations of Gestalt Theory, In: Barry Smith, Dir., Foundations of Gestalt Theory, Munich and Vienna: Philosophia, pp124-57
- d. avec J. C. Nyiri, dir., "Practical Knowledge. Outlines of a Theory of Traditions and Skills", London, Croom Helm
- 1989,
- a. Logic and the Sachverhalt, The Monist, 72, pp52-69
- Version révisée en 1996, In: L. Albertazzi, M. Libardi et R. Poli, Dir., The School of Franz Brentano, Dordrecht/Boston/Lancaster: Kluwer, pp323-341
- b. On the Origins of Analytic Philosophy, Grazer Philosophische Studien, 35, pp153-173.
- c. Kasimir Twardowski: An Essay on the Borderlines of Psychology, Ontology and Logic, In: K. Szaniawski, Dir., The Vienna Circle and the Philosophy of the Lvov-Warsaw School, Dordrecht/Boston/Lancaster: Kluwer, pp313-373
- a. Logic and the Sachverhalt, The Monist, 72, pp52-69
- 1990,
- a. On the Phases of Reism, In: J. Wolenski, Dir., Kotarbinski: Logic, Semantics and Ontology, Dordrecht/Boston/London: Kluwer, pp137-184
- b. "Aristotle, Menger, Mises: An Essay in the Metaphysics of Economics", History of Political Economy, Annual Supplement to vol. 22, pp263-288
- Repris en 2005, "Aristotle, Menger, Mises: An Essay in the Metaphysics of Economics", In: Edward W. Younkins, dir., "Philosophers of Capitalism: Menger, Mises, Rand, and Beyond", Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, pp199-222
- c. The Question of Apriorism, Austrian Economics Newsletter, Fall
- Repris en 2011, "The Question of Apriorism", Nuova Civiltà Delle Macchine (numéro spécial : Liberalismo e Anarcocapitalismo. La Scuola Austriaca di Economia), janvier-Juin, Anno XXIX, n°1-2, pp59-68
- d. Towards a History of Speech Act Theory, In: A. Burkhardt, dir., Speech Acts, Meanings and Intentions. Critical Approaches to the Philosophy of John R. Searle, Berlin and New York: de Gruyter, pp29–61
- e. "The Philosophy of Austrian Economics: Principles and Provocations", In: Stephen Littlechild, dir., "Austrian economics. History and methodology", Vol I, Aldershot: Edward Elgar, pp527-538
- Repris en 1991, "The Philosophy of Austrian Economics: Principles and Provocations", In: Don Lavoie, dir., "Economics and Hermeneutics", London: Routledge
- 1991,
- a. avec Hans Burkhardt, dir., "Handbook of metaphysics and ontology", Munich: Philosophia Verlag, 2 volumes
- Nouvelle édition en 2001
- b. "Art", In: Nigel Ashford, Steve Davies, dir., "A Dictionary of Conservative and Libertarian Thought", New York: Routledge
- c. "The conservative theory", In: Nigel Ashford, Steve Davies, dir., "A Dictionary of Conservative and Libertarian Thought", New York: Routledge
- a. avec Hans Burkhardt, dir., "Handbook of metaphysics and ontology", Munich: Philosophia Verlag, 2 volumes
- 1993,
- a. Dir., Philosophy and Political Change in Eastern Europe (The Monist Library of Philosophy), La Salle: The Hegeler Institute
- b. The New European Philosophy, In: Barry Smith, Dir., Philosophy and Political Change in Eastern Europe, La Salle: The Hegeler Institute, pp165-170 et pp191-192
- 1994,
- a. Austrian Philosophy, the Legacy of Franz Brentano, Chicago/LaSalle: Open Court
- b. avec Roberto Casati et G. White, Dir., Philosophy and the Cognitive Sciences, Vienna: Hölder-Pichler-Tempsky
- c. avec Roberto Casati, Naive Physics: An Essay in Ontology, Philosophical Psychology 7, pp225-244
- d. avec Josef Seifert, The Truth about Fiction, In: W. Galewicz, E. Ströker et W. Strozewski, Dir., Kunst und Ontologie. Für Roman Ingarden zum 100. Geburtstag, Amsterdam/Atlanta: Rodopi, pp97-118
- e. Aristotelianism, Apriorism, Essentialism, In: Peter J. Boettke, dir., The Elgar Companion to Austrian Economics, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp33-37
- 1995,
- a. On Drawing Lines on a Map, In: Andrew U. Frank et Werner Kuhn, Dir., Spatial Information Theory. A Theoretical Basis for GIS (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 988), Berlin/Heidelberg/New York: Springer, pp475-484
- b. avec David Woodruff Smith, Dir., The Cambridge Companion to Husserl, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
- c. Common Sense, In: Barry Smith et David Woodruff Smith, Dir., The Cambridge Companion to Husserl, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp394-436
- d. Ingarden, In: J. Kim et E. Sosa, Dir., A Companion to Metaphysics, Oxford: Blackwell, pp241-242
- repris en 1995, In: Robert Audi, Dir., The Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
- e. Formal ontology, common sense and cognitive science, International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 43: pp641-667
- 1996,
- a. Mereotopology: A Theory of Parts and Boundaries, Data and Knowledge Engineering, 20, pp287-303
- b. In Defense of Extreme (Fallibilistic) Apriorism, Journal of Libertarian Studies, Vol 12, n°1, pp179-192
- 1997,
- a. avec Achille C. Varzi, Fiat and Bona Fide Boundaries: Towards on Ontology of Spatially Extended Objects, COSIT '97: Conference on Spatial Information Theory (Springer Lecture Notes), Berlin/Heidelberg/New York: Springer Verlag
- b. On Substances, Accidents and Universals: In Defence of a Constituent Ontology, Philosophical Papers 26, pp105-127
- c. The Connectionist Mind: A Study of Hayekian Psychology, In: S. F. Frowen, Dir., Hayek: Economist and Social Philosopher: A Critical Retrospect, London: Macmillan, pp9-29
- Traduit en français en 1999, L'esprit connexionniste : une étude de la psychologie de Hayek, Intellectica, Vol 28, n°1, pp93-114
- 1999,
- a. Social Objects, Traduction française par M. Haller, N. Tavaglione et K. Mulligan, Les objets sociaux, Philosophiques 26/2 Automne
- b. Truth and the Visual Field, In: Jean Petitot, Francisco J. Varela, B. Pachoud et J.-M. Roy, Dir., Naturalizing Phenomenology. Issues in Contemporary Phenomenology and Cognitive Science. Stanford: Stanford University Press
- c. avec David M. Mark, Ontology and Geographic Kinds, In: Proceedings, International Symposium on Spatial Data Handling (SDH'98), Vancouver, Canada, 12-15 July, 1998
- d. Achille C. Varzi, Fiat and Bona Fide Boundaries, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research
- 2001, Objects and their Environments: From Aristotle to Ecological Ontology, In: Andrew Frank, Dir., The Life and Motion of Socioeconomic Units. London: Taylor and Francis
- 2003, avec David M. Mark, Do Mountains Exist? Towards an Ontology of Landforms, Environment and Planning B (Planning and Design), 30(3), pp411–427
- 2006,
- a. Why Polish Philosophy Does Not Exist, In: J. J. Jadecki et Jacek Pasniczek, Dir., The Lvov-Warsaw School: The Second Generation, Dordrecht/Boston/Lancaster: Kluwer
- Traduction polonaise, Dlaczego nie ma polskiej filozofii, In: Jacek Pasniczek, Dir., Dziedzictwo filozofii analitcznej: Dorobek szkoly lwowsko-warszawskiej, Warsaw: PWN
- b. "Epilogue : La signification de la vie et comment il convient d'évaluer les civilisations", In: Philippe Nemo et Jean Petitot, Histoire du libéralisme en Europe, Paris : QUADRIGE/PUF, ISBN 2-13-055299-4
- a. Why Polish Philosophy Does Not Exist, In: J. J. Jadecki et Jacek Pasniczek, Dir., The Lvov-Warsaw School: The Second Generation, Dordrecht/Boston/Lancaster: Kluwer
- 2023, "Thinking Like an Austrian", In: Jo Ann Cavallo, Walter Block, dir., "Libertarian Autobiographies: Moving Toward Freedom in Today’s World", Cham, Switzerland: Springer, pp421-425
Littérature secondaire
- 1987, Murray Rothbard, Commentaire du livre de Wolfgang Grassl et de Barry Smith, dir., "Austrian Economics: Historical and Philosophical Background", Journal of Applied Philosophy, Vol 4, n°2, pp248-250
- 1988, Jeffrey A. Tucker, commentaire du livre dirigé par Wolfgang Grassl et Barry Smith, "Austrian Economics: Historical and Philosophical Background", Austrian Economics Newsletter, Vol 10, n°1, Fall, pp10-11
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