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Bibliographie sur le capital humain
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Voici une liste non exhaustive de parutions portant sur le thème du capital humain.
De 1958 à 1969
- 1958, Jacob Mincer, "Investment in Human Capital and Personal Income Distribution", Journal of Political Economy, Vol 66, n°4, pp281-302
- 1961,
- H. G. Shaffer, "Investment in Human Capital: Comment", American Economic Review, Vol 51, n°5, pp1026-1035
- Burton A. Weisbrod, "The Valuation of Human Capital", Journal of Political Economy, Vol 69, pp425-436
- 1962,
- Gary Becker, "Investment in human capital: A theoretical analysis", Journal of Political Economy, Vol 70, n°1, pp9–49
- Mary Jean Bowman, "Human Capital: Concepts and Measures", U.S. Office of Education, Bulletin n°5, pp69-92
- Burton A. Weisbrod, "Education and Investment in Human Capital", Journal of Political Economy, Vol 70, N°5, Oct, Part 2, pp106-123
- 1964, Gary Becker, Human Capital, A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis, with Special Reference to Education
- 1966, B. F. Kiker, "The Historical Roots of the Concept of Human Capital", Journal of Political Economy, Vol 74, n°5, pp481-499
- 1968, Theodore Schultz, "Capital, Human", In: David L. Sills, dir., "International encyclopedia of the social sciences", Vol 2, London: Macmillan and the Free Press, pp278-287
De 1970 à 1979
- 1970, James L. Cochrane, B. F. Kiker, "An 'Austrian' Approach to the Theory of Investment in Human Beings", Southern Economic Journal, Vol 36, n°4, April, pp385-389
- 1975, S. Bowles, H. Gintis, "The problem with human capital theory - a Marxian critique", American Economic Review, Vol 65, n°2, pp74-82
- 1976, M. Blaug, "The Empirical Status of Human Capital Theory: A Slightly Jaundiced Survey", Journal of Economic Literature, Vol 14, n°3, pp827-855
- 1977, Joseph Spengler, "Adam Smith on Human Capital", The American Economic Review, Vol 67, n°1, Papers and Proceedings of the Eighty-ninth Annual Meeting of the American Economic Assocation, February, pp32-36
- 1978, Irvin Sobel, "The Human Capital Revolution in Economic Development: Its Current History and Status", Comparative Education Review, Vol 22, n°2, June, pp278-308
- 1979, L. Sandberg, "The Case of the Impoverished Sophisticate: Human Capital and Swedish Economic Growth Before World War I", Journal of Economic History, Vol 39, n°1, pp225-241
De 1980 à 1989
- 1982, Irvin Sobel, "Human Capital and Institutional Theories of the Labor Market: Rivals or Complements?", Journal of Economic Issues, Vol 16, n°1, March, pp255-272
- 1983, Sherwin Rosen, Specialization and human capital, J. Labor Econ., 1,43-9
- 1985, Timothy Bates, "Entrepreneur human capital endowments and minority business viability", Journal of Human Resources, Vol 20, n°4, pp540–554
- 1988, J. Coleman, Social Capital in the Creation of Human Capital, American Journal of Sociology, 94 (suppl.), pp.95-120
- 1989, B. F. Lentz, D. N. Leband, "Why so many children of doctors become doctors: Nepotism vs. human capital transfers", The Journal of Human Resources, 24(3), pp396-413
De 1990 à 1999
- 1990,
- Timothy Bates, "Entrepreneur human capital inputs and small business longevity", Review of Economics and Statistics, Vol 72, n°4, pp551–559
- S. C. Chiang et S. C. Chiang, General human capital as a shared investment under asymmetric information, Canadian Journal of Economics, 23, pp175–189
- M. H. Strobber, Human capital theory: Implications for HR Managers, Industrial Relations, vol 29, n°2, pp214-239
- 1992, S. A. Snell et J. W. Dean, Integrated Manufacturing and Human Resource Management: A Human Capital Perspective, Academy of Management Journal, 35(3), 467-504
- 1993,
- Gary Becker, "Human capital", In David R. Henderson, dir., "The Fortune Encyclopedia of Economics: 141 Top Economists Explain the Theories, Mechanics, and Institutions of Money, Trade, and Markets", New York: Time-Warner Books, Inc., pp4479-484
- O. Nordhaug, Human capital in organizations, New-York, NYU Press
- 1994, Juan F. Bendfeldt, "En busca del mercado de capital humano" ("A la recherche du marché du capital humain"), Laissez-Faire, n°1, septembre, pp1-8
- 1996,
- S. Black et L. Lynch, Human-capital investments and productivity, American Economic Review, n°86, pp263-268
- K. Otani, "A human capital approach to entrepreneurial capacity", Economica, 63, pp273–289
- Scott R. Sweetland, "Human Capital Theory: Foundations of a Field of Inquiry", Review of Educational Research, Vol 66, n°3, Autumn, pp341-359
- 1997,
- M. Baker, M. Barker, J. Thorne et M. Dutnell, Leveraging human capital, The Journal of Knowledge Management, Vol. 1, n°1, pp63-74
- John P. Cochran et Fred R. Glahe, Praxeology and the Development of Human Capital: The Separation of School and State, Cultural Dynamics, Vol. 9, No. 2, pp255-268
- A. Cooper, T. Folta, J. Gimeno, C. Woo, "Survival of the Fittest? Entrepreneurial Human Capital and the Persistence of Underperforming Firms", Administrative Science Quarterly, pp750-783
- W. J. Darity, A. H. Goldsmith et J. R. Veum, The Impact of Psychological and Human Capital on Wages, Economic Inquiry, Vol 35, pp815-829
- Karl M. Wiig, Integrating Intellectual Capital and Knowledge Management, Long Range Planning, Oxford, Vol 30, n°3, pp399-405
- 1998, M. Iyigun, A. Owen, "Risk, entrepreneurship and human capital accumulation", American Economic Review, 88, pp454–457
- 1999,
- D. P. Lepak et S. A. Snell, The human resource architecture: Toward a theory of human capital allocation and development, Academy of Management Review, 24, pp31-48
- Dietmar Meyer, "Creativity, Human Capital, and Economic Growth", Society and Economy, Vol XXI, n°4, pp117-129
De 2000 à 2009
- 2000,
- Margaret M. Blair et Thomas A. Kochan, dir., "The New Relationship: Human Capital in the American Corporation", Washington: Brookings Institution Press
- Michael Brostek et Barry Holman, "Human Capital: Strategic Approach Should Guide DOD Civilian Workforce Management", Washington: U.S. General Accounting Office
- E. Cannon, Human capital: level versus growth effects, Oxford Economic Papers, n°52, pp670-677
- 2002, L. Aldisent, Valuing People! How Human Capital Can Be Your Strongest Asset. 1st Edn., Dearborn Trade Publishing, Chicago IL., ISBN 10: 0793150159
- 2003,
- P. Davidsson et B. Honig, "The role of social and human capital amoung nascent entrepreneurs", Journal of business venturing, 18 (3), pp301-331
- D. Ucbasaran, P. Westhead et M. Wright, Human capital based determination of opportunity identification, Frontiers of entrepreneurship research, Wellesley, MA: Babson College, pp430-444
- 2004,
- F. M. Nafukho, N. R. Hairston et K. Brooks, Human capital theory: Implications for human resource development, Human Resource Development International, 7(4), pp545-551
- Michelle Connolly, Human Capital and Growth in the Postbellum South: A Separate but Unequal Story. Journal of Economic History 64(2):363-399
- J. Elias et H. Scarbrough, Evaluating human capital: an exploratory study of management practice, Human Resource Management Journal, Vol 14, n°4, pp21-44
- J. Lewis, P. C. Wright et G. D. Geroy, "Managing human capital", Management Decisions, 42(2), pp205-228
- 2005,
- T. Åstebro, I. Bernhardt, "The winner's curse of human capital”, Small Business Economics, Vol 24, n°1, pp63-78
- D. P. Dimov, Dean A. Shepherd, "Human capital theory and venture capital firms: exploring 'home runs' and 'strike outs'", Journal of Business Venturing, 20(1), pp1-21
- 2006,
- A. Chamack, C. Fromage, "Le Capital Humain", Paris, Liaisons
- G. Jones, W. Joel Schneider, "Intelligence, human capital, and economic growth", Journal of Economic Growth, Vol 11, n°1, pp71–93
- 2007,
- I. Arribas, J. E. Vila, "Human capital determinants of the survival of entrepreneurial service firms in Spain”, International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, Vol 3, n°3, pp309-322
- C. Bowman, J. Swart, "Whose human capital? The challenge of value capture when capital is embedded", Journal of Management Studies, Vol 44, pp488-505
- I. Ehrlich, K. M. Murphy, "Why Does Human Capital Need a Journal?", Journal of Human Capital, Vol 1, n°1, pp1-7
- 2008,
- D. DeTienne, Dean A. Shepherd, J. O. DeCastro, "The fallacy of ‘only the strong survive’: The effects of human capital and extrinsic motivation on the persistence decisions of under-performing firms", Journal of Business Venturing, Vol 23, pp526-548
- Steve Horwitz et Peter Lewin, Heterogeneous human capital, uncertainty, and the structure of plans: A market process approach to marriage and divorce, The Review of Austrian Economics, Volume 21, Number 1 / mars, pp1-21, [lire en ligne]
- 2009,
- J. A. Arthurs, Lowell Busenitz, R. A. Johnson, R. E. Hoskisson, "Firm-specific human capital and governance in IPO firms: Addressing agency and resource dependence concerns", Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 33(4), pp845-865
- Edward E. Lawler, "Make human capital a source of competitive advantage", Organizational Dynamics, 38 (1), pp1-7
De 2010 à 2019
- 2010, Pedro Nuno Teixeira, "Human Capital, by Gary S. Becker: a reading guide", In: Ross B. Emmett, dir., "The Elgar Companion to the Chicago School of Economics", Edward Elgar Publishing, pp152-159
- 2011,
- Margaret M. Blair, An Economic Perspective on the Notion of Human Capital, In: Alan Burton-Jones, JC Spender et Gary Becker, dir., The Oxford Handbook of Human Capital, Ch 1, Oxford University Press
- Peter Boxall, "Human Capital, HR Strategy and Organizational Effectiveness", In: Alan Burton-Jones, JC Spender et Gary Becker, dir., The Oxford Handbook of Human Capital, Ch 11, Oxford University Press
- Rhett Brymer, Michael A. Hitt et Mario Schijven, Cognition and Human Capital: The Dynamic Interrelationship between Knowledge and Behaviour, In: Alan Burton-Jones, JC Spender et Gary Becker, dir., The Oxford Handbook of Human Capital, Ch 4, Oxford University Press
- Cécile Cézanne et Laurence Saglietto, "Capital humain, prestataires de services logistiques et frontières de la firme", "Revue d'Economie Industrielle", 134, pp1-18
- Thomas Clarke, "Supporting Human Capital in Developing Countries: The Significance of the Asian Experience", In: Alan Burton-Jones, JC Spender et Gary Becker, dir., The Oxford Handbook of Human Capital, Ch 24, Oxford University Press
- Russell Coff, "Maximizing Value from Human Capital", In: Alan Burton-Jones, JC Spender et Gary Becker, dir., The Oxford Handbook of Human Capital, Ch 14, Oxford University Press
- Nicolai J. Foss, Human Capital and Transaction Cost Economics, In: Alan Burton-Jones, JC Spender et Gary Becker, dir., The Oxford Handbook of Human Capital, Ch 6, Oxford University Press
- M. Frese, A. Rauch, N. Rosenbusch, J. M. Unger, "Human capital and entrepreneurial success: a meta-analytic review", Journal of Business Venturing, vol 26, pp341-358
- Monika Hamori, Rocio Bonet et Peter Cappelli, "How Organizations Obtain the Human Capital they Need", In: Alan Burton-Jones, JC Spender et Gary Becker, dir., The Oxford Handbook of Human Capital, Ch 12, Oxford University Press
- Thomas A. Kochan and Adam Seth Litwin, "The Future of Human Capital: An Employment Relations Perspective", In: Alan Burton-Jones, JC Spender et Gary Becker, dir., The Oxford Handbook of Human Capital, Ch 25, Oxford University Press
- Jeroen Kraaijenbrink, "Human Capital in the Resource-based View", In: Alan Burton-Jones, JC Spender et Gary Becker, dir., The Oxford Handbook of Human Capital, Ch 8, Oxford University Press
- Robin Kramar, Vijaya Murthy et James Guthrie, "Accounting for Human Capital and Organizational Effectiveness", In: Alan Burton-Jones, JC Spender et Gary Becker, dir., The Oxford Handbook of Human Capital, Ch 15, Oxford University Press
- Georg von Krogh et Martin W. Wallin, "Human Capital and the Knowledge-based Theory of the Firm", In: Alan Burton-Jones, JC Spender et Gary Becker, dir., The Oxford Handbook of Human Capital, Ch 10, Oxford University Press
- David Lepak, Riki Takeuchi et Juani Swart, "Aligning Human Capital with Organizational Needs", In: Alan Burton-Jones, JC Spender et Gary Becker, dir., The Oxford Handbook of Human Capital, Ch 13, Oxford University Press
- Brian J. Loasby, "Human Capital, Entrepreneurship and the Theory of the Firm", In: Alan Burton-Jones, JC Spender et Gary Becker, dir., The Oxford Handbook of Human Capital, Ch 9, Oxford University Press
- Janine Nahapiet, A Social Perspective: Exploring the Links between Human Capital and Social Capital, In: Alan Burton-Jones, JC Spender et Gary Becker, dir., The Oxford Handbook of Human Capital, Ch 2, Oxford University Press
- Kok-Yee Ng, Mei Ling Tan et Soon Ang, Culture Capital and Cosmopolitan Human Capital: the Impact of the Global Mindset and Organizational Routines on Cultural Intelligence and International Experiences, In: Alan Burton-Jones, JC Spender et Gary Becker, dir., The Oxford Handbook of Human Capital, Ch 3, Oxford University Press
- Ikujiro Nonaka, Ryoko Toyoma et Vesa Peltokorpi, "The Distributed and Dynamic Dimensions of Human Capital", In: Alan Burton-Jones, JC Spender et Gary Becker, dir., The Oxford Handbook of Human Capital, Ch 18, Oxford University Press
- David O'Donnell, "Interdependencies between Human and Structural Capital", In: Alan Burton-Jones, JC Spender et Gary Becker, dir., The Oxford Handbook of Human Capital, Ch 17, Oxford University Press
- Sean O Riain, "Human Capital Formation Regimes: States, Markets and Human Capital in an Era of Globalisation", In: Alan Burton-Jones, JC Spender et Gary Becker, dir., The Oxford Handbook of Human Capital, Ch 23, Oxford University Press
- Peter D. Sherer, "Looking to the Future: Bringing Organizations Deeper into Human Capital Theory", In: Alan Burton-Jones, JC Spender et Gary Becker, dir., The Oxford Handbook of Human Capital, Ch 22, Oxford University Press
- JC Spender, "Human Capital and Agency Theory", In: Alan Burton-Jones, JC Spender et Gary Becker, dir., The Oxford Handbook of Human Capital, Ch 7, Oxford University Press
- David J. Teece, "Human Capital, Capabilities and the Firm: Literati, Numerati, and Entrepreneurs in the 21st Century Enterprise", In: Alan Burton-Jones, JC Spender et Gary Becker, dir., The Oxford Handbook of Human Capital, Ch 21, Oxford University Press
- Jacqueline C. Vischer, "Human Capital and the Organization-Accommodation Relationship", In: Alan Burton-Jones, JC Spender et Gary Becker, dir., The Oxford Handbook of Human Capital, Ch 19, Oxford University Press
- 2012,
- Gary Becker, "Capital humain", In: Mathieu Laine, dir., "Dictionnaire du libéralisme", Paris: Larousse, pp115-118
- Rick Geddes, Dean Lueck, Sharon Tennyson, "Human Capital Accumulation and the Expansion of Women’s Economic Rights", Journal of Law and Economics, Vol 55, n°4, pp839–867
- 2013,
- Enrico Moretti, Per Thulin, "Local multipliers and human capital in the United States and Sweden", Industrial and Corporate Change, Vol 22, n°1, pp319–362
- L. M. Uhlaner, L. Van Teeffelen, "Firm Resource Characteristics and Human Capital as Predictors of Exit Choice: An Exploratory Study of Smes", Entrepreneurship Research Journal, 3(1), pp84–108
- 2016, S. Estrin, T. Mickiewicz, U. Stephan, "Human capital in social and commercial entrepreneurship", Journal of Business Venturing, 31(4), pp449-467
- 2017,
- Tobias Arvemo, Urban Gråsjö, "Productivity and cross-border accessibility to human capital: a study comparing Norwegian and Swedish border regions" In: Charlie Karlsson, Martin Andersson, Lina Bjerke, "Geographies of Growth", Edward Elgar Publishing, pp48-69
- J. Biddle, L. Holden, "The Introduction of Human Capital Theory into Education Policy in the United States", History of Political Economy, Vol 49, n°4, pp537-574