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Jay B. Barney

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Jay B. Barney enseigne la stratégie d'organisation à des étudiants diplômés du Fisher College de l'université de l'Etat d'Ohio à Columbus aux USA. Il réalise des programmes de formation auprès de cadres à travers le monde. Il complète ses heures d'avantage concurrentiel en donnant des conseils sur le changement organisationnel et sur l'analyse stratégique. Les recherches du professeur Jay Barney concernent la théorie du management par les ressources c'est à dire des liens entre les compétences et les capacités d'une entreprise qui sont difficilement copiables et qui procurent l'avantage concurrentiel durable d'une firme. Il a publié plus de 50 articles dans des revues de premier plan comme l'Academy of Management Review, Management Science, le Sloan Management Review et le Journal of Management. Il a fait partie du comité de rédaction de la Strategic Management Journal, du Columbia Journal of World Business et du Journal of Business Venturing.

Jay Barney a effectué des conférences dans plus de 40 universités à travers le monde. il a publié trois livres, dont "l'organisation économique: Vers un nouveau paradigme pour l'étude et la compréhension des organisations"; "La gestion des organisations : stratégie, structure et comportement" et "Comment obtenir et maintenir l'avantage concurrentiel". Il conclut, en 1986, qu'une culture d'entreprise précieuse, rare et inimitable peut devenir une source d'avantage concurrentiel durable pour une entreprise. A la différence de Michael Porter, il ne considère pas que l'avantage concurrentiel durable doit être défini comme celui qui persiste pendant une longue période de temps. Cette approche calendaire est réfutée par Jay Barney qui considère qu'un avantage concurrentiel durable n'est atteint que s'il persiste après que les efforts des concurrents de reproduire cet avantage n'aient cessé.


  • 1984, avec Richard Rumelt, Birger Wernerfelt, "Marketing’s Role in the Implementation of Business Strategies: A Critical Review and Conceptual Framework", Journal of Marketing, Vol 51, Jul, pp15-33
  • 1985, "Dimensions of Informal Social Network Structure: Toward a Contingency Theory of Informal Relations in Organizations", Social Networks, 7, pp1-46
  • 1986,
    • a. Organizational culture: can it be a source of sustained competitive advantage?, Academy of Management Review, 11(3), pp656–665
    • b. Types of competition and the theory of strategy: towards an integrative framework, Academy of Management Review, 11(4), pp791–800
    • c. "Strategic Factor Markets: Expectations, Luck, and Business Strategy", Management Science, October, Vol 32, n°10, pp1231-1241
  • 1988,
    • a. avec William Ouchi, dir., Organisational Economics, Jossey-boss Management series, Jossey-boss Social and Behavioral Science series, San Francisco and London : Jossey-boss
    • b. "Returns to Bidding Firms in Mergers and Acquisitions: Reconsidering the Relatedness Hypothesis", Strategic Management Journal, Vol 9, pp71-78
  • 1989,
    • a. avec I. Dierickx, K. Cool, "Asset Stock Accumulation And Sustainability of Competitive", Management Science, 35 (12), pp1504
    • b. "Asset Stocks and Sustained Competitive Advantage: A Comment", Management Science, Vol 35, n°12, Dec., pp1511-1513
  • 1990, "The Debate Between Traditional Management Theory and Organizational Economics: Substantive Differences or Intergroup Conflict?", Academy of Management Review, 15 (3), pp382-393
  • 1991,
    • a. "Firm resources and sustained competitive advantage", Journal of Management, 17(1), pp99–120
    • b. Special Theory Forum the Resource-Based Model of the Firm - Origins, Implications, and Prospects, Journal of Management 17(1), pp97-98
  • 1994,
    • a. avec M. H. Hansen, "Trustworthiness as a source of competitive advantage", Strategic Management Journal, 15(2), pp175-190
    • b. Bringing managers back in: A resource-based analysis of the role of managers in creating and sustaining competitive advantages for firms, In: Does management matter? On competencies and competitive advantage. The 1994 Crafoord lectures, pp1-36
  • 1995,
    • a. Looking inside for competitive advantage, Academy of Management Executive, 9(4), pp49–61
    • b. avec W. L. Fuerst et J. F. Mata, Information Technology and Sustained Competitive Advantage: A Resource-Based Analysis, MIS Quarterly, Vol. 19, n°4, pp487-505
  • 1996,
    • a. "The resource-based theory of the firm", Organization Science, Vol 7, n°5, pp469-
    • b. avec Lowell Busenitz, James O. Fiet, D. Moesel, "New venture teams’ assessment of learning assistance from venture capital firms", Journal of Business Venturing, 11(4), pp257-272
    • c. avec Lowell Busenitz, James O. Fiet, D. Moesel, "The substitution of bonding for monitoring in venture capitalist relations with high technology enterprises", Journal of High Technology Management Research, 7 (1), pp91-105
  • 1997,
    • a. "Gaining and sustaining competitive advantage", Addison Wesley publishing company, Reading MA
    • b. avec Lowell Busenitz, "Differences between entrepreneurs and managers in large organizations: Biases and heuristics in strategic decision-making", Journal of Business Venturing, Vol 12, pp9–30
    • c. avec Lowell Busenitz, James O. Fiet, D. Moesel, "The framing of perceptions of fairness in the venture capitalist/new venture team relationship", Entrepreneurship: Theory & Practice, 21 (5), pp5-22
    • d. avec Lowell Busenitz, James O. Fiet, D. Moesel, "Complementary perspectives on the dismissal of new venture team members", Journal of Business Venturing, 12 (5), pp347-365
  • 1998, avec P. Wright, On becoming a strategic partner: the role of human resources in gaining competitive advantage, Human Resource Management, Vol. 37, n°1, Spring, pp31-46
  • 1999, How a firm’s capabilities affect boundary decisions, Sloan Management Review, 40, pp137-145
  • 2000,
    • a. The Penrosian myth: the unimportance of Edith Penrose’s work in early developments of the resource-based view, Paper presented at Academy of Management, Toronto
    • b. avec Sharon A. Alvarez, "Entrepreneurial capabilities: A resource-based view", In: G. D. Meyer et K. Heppard, dir., "Entrepreneurship as Strategy: Competing on the Entrepreneurial Edge", Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, pp63-81
  • 2001,
    • a. "Is the resource-based view a useful perspective for strategic management research? Yes", Academy of Management Review, 26(1), pp41–56
    • b. avec A. M. Arikan, The Resource-based View: Origins and Implications, Blackwell Handbook of Strategic Management, pp124-188
    • c. avec D. J. Ketchen et M. Wright, The resource-based view of the firm: Ten years after 1991. Journal of Management 27(6), pp625-641
    • d. Resource-based theories of competitive advantage: A ten-year retrospective on the resource-based view, Journal of Management, 27(6), pp643-650
    • e. avec M. Wright et D. J. Ketchen, The resource-based view of the firm: Ten years after 1991, Journal of Management, 27, pp625-641
  • 2002,
    • a. avec Sharon A. Alvarez, "Resource-based theory and the entrepreneurial firm", In: M. A. Hitt, R. D. Ireland, S. M. Camp et D. L. Sexton, dir., "Strategic Entrepreneurship: Creating a New Mindset", Oxford, UK: Basil Blackwell, pp89-105
    • b. Gaining and sustaining competitive advantage. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall
  • 2003, avec M. Peteraf, "Unraveling the resource-based tangle", Managerial and Decision Economics, 24, pp309-323
  • 2004, avec Sharon A. Alvarez, "Organizing Rent Generation and Appropriation: Toward a Theory of the Entrepreneurial Firm", Journal of Business Venturing, Vol 19, n°5, pp621-635
  • 2005,
    • a. avec Sharon A. Alvarez, "How Entrepreneurs Organize Firms under Conditions of Uncertainty", Journal of Management, Vol 31, pp776–793
    • b. avec W. A. Muhanna et G. Ray, Information Technology and the Performance of the Customer Service Process: A Resource-Based Analysis, MIS Quarterly, pp625-652
    • c. Where does inequality come from? The personal and intellectual roots of resource-based theory, In: K. G. Smith & M. A. Hitt, dir., Great minds in management: The process of theory development, Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, pp280-303
  • 2006, avec W. S. Hesterly, "Strategic management and competitive advantage: Concepts and cases", Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice Hall
  • 2007,
    • a. avec Sharon A. Alvarez, "The Entrepreneurial Theory of the Firm", Journal of Management Studies, Vol 44
    • b. avec Sharon A. Alvarez, "Discovery and Creation: Alternative Theories of Entrepreneurial Action", Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, Vol 1, n°1–2, pp11–26
    • c. avec D. N. Clark, "Resource-based theory: Creating and sustaining competitive advantage", Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press
  • 2008, avec Sharon A. Alvarez, "Opportunities, organizations, and entrepreneurship: Theory and debate", Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 2(3), pp171–173
  • 2011, Establishing Strategic Management as an Academic Discipline, In: Robert Huggins et Hiro Izushi, dir., Competition, Competitive Advantage, and Clusters. The Ideas of Michael Porter, Oxford University Press
  • 2012, avec Sharon A. Alvarez, P. Anderson, "Forming and exploiting opportunities: The implications of discovery and creation processes for entrepreneurial and organizational research", Organization Science, Vol 3, April
  • 2013,
    • a. avec Philip Anderson, Sharon A. Alvarez, "Forming and Exploiting Opportunities: The Implications of Discovery and Creation Processes for Entrepreneurial and Organizational Research", Organization Science, 24(1), pp301–317
    • b. avec Peter Klein, Nikolai J. Foss, "Strategic entrepreneurship", In: E. Kessler, dir., "Encyclopedia of management theory", New York: Sage, pp778–782
    • c. avec Sharon A. Alvarez, "Epistemology, opportunities, and entrepreneurship: Comments on Venkataraman et al. (2012) and Shane (2012)", Academy of Management Review, Vol 38, pp154–157
  • 2014, avec Sharon A. Alvarez, R. McBride, R. Wuebker, "Realism in the Study of Entrepreneurship", Academy of Management Review, Vol 39, pp227-233
  • 2020, avec Sharon A. Alvarez, "Has the Concept of Opportunities Been Fruitful in the Field of Entrepreneurship?", Academy of Management Perspectives, Vol.34, n°3S