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Milton Friedman (bibliographie)

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Milton Friedman a écrit de nombreux livres, mais aussi de nombreux articles. Cet article présente la liste des œuvres de Milton Friedman, de façon aussi exhaustive que possible. Pour une présentation de l'auteur et de sa pensée, voir l'article dédié.

De 1935 à 1949

  • 1935,
    • a. avec Homer Jones, George Stigler, W. Allen Wallis, dir., "The Ethics of Competition and Other Essays", écrit par Frank H. Knight, New York: Harper and Brothers
    • b. "Professor Pigou's Method for Measuring Elasticities of Demand From Budgetary Data", Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol 50, pp151-163
  • 1937, "The Use of Ranks to Avoid the Assumption of Normality Implicit in the Analysis of Variance", Journal of the American Statistical Association, Vol 32, December, pp675–701
  • 1945, avec Simon Kuznets, Income from Independent Professional Practices, New York, National Bureau of Economic Research
  • 1947, "Lerner on the Economics of Control", Journal of Political Economy, 55(5), pp405–416
  • 1948,
    • a. Foreign Economic Aid: Means and Objectives, Yale Review, June, pp500—516
    • b. avec Leonard Savage, “Utility analysis of choices involving risk”, Journal of Political Economy, Vol 56, pp279–304
      • Repris en 1952, In: American Economic Association, dir., "Readings in Price Theory", Homewood, 111.: Irwin., pp57-96
    • c. "A Monetary and Fiscal Framework for Economic Stability", American Economic Review, 38(3), pp245-264
  • 1949,
    • a. The Marshallian Demand Curve, Journal of Political Economy, Vol 57, décembre, pp463–495
    • b. "Discussion", American Economic Review, 39, May, pp196-199

De 1950 à 1959

  • 1950, "Wesley C. Mitchell as an Economic Theorist", Journal of Political Economy, Vol 58, December, pp463-495
  • 1951, Les effets d'une politique de plein emploi sur la stabilité économique. Analyse formelle, Economie Appliquée, n°3-4
  • 1953,
    • a. "Essays in Positive Economics", Chicago: University of Chicago Press
      • Traduction en français en 1995 par Guy Millière, Essais d’économie positive, Litec, collection "LIBERALIA"
    • b. On the Methodology of Positive Economics, In: Essays in Positive Economics, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, pp1–43
      • Traduction en tchèque en 1997, „Metodologie pozitivní ekonomie“, Grada, Praha
  • 1954, Why the American Economy is Depression Proof, Nationalekonomiska Foreningens Forhandlingar
    • Repris en 1968, In: Dollars and Deficits, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, pp72-96
  • 1956,
    • a. "Studies in the Quantity Theory of Money", Chicago: University of Chicago Press
    • b. "The Quantity Theory of Money: A Restatement", In: Milton Friedman, dir., "Studies in the Quantity Theory of Money", Chicago: University of Chicago Press, pp3-21
      • Repris en 1969, In: "The Optimum Quantity of Money", Chicago: Aldine Publishing Co., pp51-67
  • 1957, A Theory of the Consumption Function, Chicago, University of Chicago Press et Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press
  • 1958,
    • a. "Foreign Economic Aid: Means and Objectives", The Yale Review, Vol 47, n°4, June, Summer, pp500-516
    • b. "Capitalism and Freedom", In: Felix Morley, dir., "Essays on Individuality", Philadelphia,: University of Pennsylvania Press, pp168-182
    • c. "The Supply of Money and Changes in Prices and Output", In: "The Relationship of Prices to Economic Stability and Growth", 85th Congress, 2d Ses- sion, Joint Economic Committee. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office.
  • 1959,
    • a. A Program for Monetary Stability
      • Seconde édition en 1960, New York:. Fordham University Press
    • b. "The Demand For Money: Some Theoretical and Empirical Results", Journal of Political Economy, Vol 67, Aug., pp327-351

De 1960 à 1964

  • 1960, "A Program for Monetary Stability", New York: Fordham University Press
  • 1963,
    • a. avec Anna Schwartz, "A Monetary History of the United States, 1867–1960", Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press
    • b. Inflation: Causes and consequences, Bombay: Asia Publishing House for the Council for Economic Freedom
      • Repris en 1968, In: "Dollars and Deficits", Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall, p21-71
    • c. avec Anna Schwartz, "Money and Business Cycles", Review of Economics and Statistics, 45 (1, Part 2)
      • Repris en 1969, In: The Optimum Quantity of Money and Other Essays, Chicago: Aldine, pp189-235
    • d. avec David Meiselman, "The Relative Stability of Monetary Velocity and the Investment Multiplier in the United States, 1897–1958", In: Stabilization Policies, Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, Commission on Money and Credit, pp165–268
  • 1964, Monetary Studies of the National Bureau,
    • Repris en 1969, In: The Optimum Quantity of Money and Other Essays, Chicago: Aldine, pp261-84

De 1965 à 1969

  • 1965, "The Control of Money, In: Capitalism and Freedom, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, pp219-243


  • a. "A Monetary and Fiscal Framework for Economic Stability", In: Milton Friedman, dir., "Essays in Positive Economics", Chicago: University of Chicago Press, pp133-156
  • b. "Commodity Reserve Currency", In: Milton Friedman, dir., Essays in Positive Economics. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, pp204-250
  • c. "Interest Rates and the Demand for Money", The Journal of Law and Economics, octobre, Vol 9, n°1, pp71
  • d. "What Price Guideposts?", In: George P. Schultz, Robert Z. Aliber, dir., "Guidelines: Informal Controk and the Market Place", Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, pp17-39
  • f. avec Yale Brozen, "The Minimum wage: Who Pays?", Washington, D. C.: Free Society Association


  • a. "The Monetary Theory and Policy of Henry Simons", The Journal of Law and Economics, vol 10, octobre
    • Repris en 1969, In: Milton Friedman, dir., The Optimum Quantity of Money and Other Essays, Chicago: Aldine, pp81-93
  • b. "L'économie politique des accords monétaires internationaux", In: Emil M. Claassen, dir., "Les fondements philosophiques des systèmes économiques", Paris: Payot, pp384-394
  • e. avec Robert V. Roosa, "The balance of payments: Free versus exchange rates", Washington, D. C.: American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research
  • f. "The Case For A Voluntary Army", The New Guard, Vol 7, n°5, May, pp12-16


  • a. dir., "Dollars and Deficits", Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall
    • Traduction en français de D. Caroll en 1985, Presses Pocket, collection "Agora"
  • b. "The Role of Monetary Policy", American Economic Review, Vol 58, n°1, mars, pp1-17
    • Repris en 1969, In: Milton Friedman, dir., The Optimum Quantity of Money and Other Essays, Chicago: Aldine, pp95-110
  • c. "Money: Quantity Theory", In: "International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences", New York: Macmillan, Vol 10, pp432–447
  • f. "The Lessons of U.S. Monetary History and Their Bearing on Current Policy", In: Milton Friedman, dir., "Dollars and Deficits", Chap. 4, Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall


    • a. "The Optimum Quantity of Money", Chicago: Aldine Publishing Co.
    • b. The Optimum Quantity of Money In: The Optimum Quantity of Money, Milton Friedman. Chicago: Aldine Publishing Co., pp1-50
    • c. avec Anna Schwartz, The Definition of Money: Net Wealth and Neutrality as Criteria, Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking, Vol 1 (Feb, pp1-14
    • d. The Lag Effect of Monetary Policy, In: The Optimum Quantity of Money and Other Essays. Chicago: Aldine, pp237-260
    • e. Post-War Trends in Monetary Theory and Policy, In: Milton Friedman, dir., The optimum quantity of money and other essays, London: Macmillan, pp69-79
    • f. avec Walter W. Heller, Monetary versus Fiscal Policy, New York: W. W. Norton
    • g. "Inflation et systèmes monétaires", Paris: Calmann-Lévy

De 1970 à 1974

  • 1970,
    • a. The Counter-Revolution in Monetary Theory, London: Institute of Economic Affairs
    • b. "A Theoretical Framework for Monetary Analysis", Journal of Political Economy, Vol 78, mars/avril, Vol 78, n°2, pp193-238
      • Repris en 1970, In: Robert Gordon, dir., Milton Friedman's Monetary Framework: A Debate with His Critics, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, pp1-62
    • c. The Optimum Quantity of Money and Other Essays, Chicago: Aldine Publishing Co.
    • d. "The Social Responsibility of Business Is to Increase Its Profits", New York Times Magazine, 13 septembre, pp32-33 et pp122-126
      • Repris en 1988, In: Thomas Donaldson et Patricia H. Werhane, dir., "Ethical Issues in Business: A Philosophical Approach", 3ème édition, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc, pp217-223
      • Repris en 1993, In: G. D. Chryssides et J. H. Kaler, dir., "An Introduction to Business Ethics", London, Thomson Learning, pp249–254
      • Repris en 2001, In: Thomas E. Beauchamp et Norman E. Bowie, dir., "Ethical Theory and Business", 6ème édition, Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall
    • e. avec Anna Schwartz, "Monetary Statistics of the United States", New York: Columbia University Press
  • 1971,
    • a. A Theoretical Framework for Monetary Analysis, New York: N.B.E.R.
    • b. A Monetary Theory of National Income, Journal of Political Economy, 79 (mars/avril, 1971). 323-337
    • c. Government Revenue from Inflation, Journal of Political Economy 79 (juillet-Aug., pp846-856
    • d. avec Anna Schwartz, A Monetary History of the United States, 1867-1960, Princeton. Princeton University Press
    • e. Einleitung [Introduction], In: Friedrich Hayek, Der Weg zur Knechtschaft: Den Sozialististen in Allen Parteien, Landsberg am Lecht, Verlag moderne Industrie AG
    • f. "Introduction", In: Mary Bennett Peterson, "The Regulated Consumer", Los Angeles: Nash Publishing, pp15-20
  • 1972,
    • a. "The Natural History of Governmental Intervention. How one intervention leads to another, avec effects the opposite of the good intentions", The Freeman, Vol 22, n°8, août, [lire en ligne]
    • b. "The Factors Affecting the Level of Interest Rates", In: John T. Boorman et Thomas M. Havrilesky, dir., Money Supply, Money Demand, and Macroeconomic Models, Boston: Allyn and Bacon
    • c. "Milton Friedman responds: A Business and Society Review interview", Business and Society Review, 1: 5-16
    • d. avec George Stigler, "Roofs or Ceilings, in Verdict on Rent Control", London: Institute of Economic Affairs
    • e. avec Wilbur J. Cohen, "Social Security: Universal or Selective?", Washington, D.C.: American Enterprise Institute
    • f. "An Economist’s Protest", Glen Ridge, N.J.: Thomas Horton and Daughters
    • j. "Prohibition and Drugs", Newsweek, 1er mai
    • k. "Comments on the Critics", Journal of Political Economy, Vol 80, september–October, pp906–950
    • l. "Have Monetary Policies Failed?", American Economic Review, Vol LXII, May, pp17-18
  • 1973,
    • a. Studies in the Quantity Theory of Money. Chicago: University of Chicago Press
    • b. A Milton Friedman-Sir Dennis Robertson Correspondence, Journal of pol. Econ., 81, p1033
    • c. "Playboy Interview: Milton Friedman", Playboy Magazine, February
  • 1974,
    • a. Monetary Correction. London: Institute of Economic Affairs
    • b. Comment on the Critics, In: Robert J. Gordon, dir., "Milton Friedman's Monetary Framework", Chicago: University of Chicago Press, pp132-137
    • c. "Money", In: "Encyclopaedia Britannica", 15th ed. Chicago: Encyclopaedia Britannica
    • d. "Monetary Policy in Developing Countries", In: P. A. David, M. W. Reder, dir., "Nations and Economic Growth: Essays in Honor of Moses Abramovitz", Chicago: University of Chicago Press
    • e. "FED and the Gas Lines", Newsweek, 4 mars, (La phrase "Oncle Sam" désigne le gouvernement des États-Unis. Le titre de Milton Friedman suggère que compter uniquement sur le gouvernement pour répondre aux besoins des gens peut entraîner de longues files d'attente interminables ou des retards pour recevoir de l'aide ou des services. Cette déclaration reflète une perspective qui met l'accent sur l'autonomie et les inefficacités potentielles ou les limites des programmes d'aide gouvernementaux. Elle sous-entend que les individus ou les communautés ne devraient pas se fier exclusivement à l'aide du gouvernement, mais devraient également prendre des mesures proactives pour faire face à leurs besoins et défis. Ce point de vue est associé aux idées de responsabilité individuelle, d'intervention gouvernementale limitée et de promotion de solutions individuelles ou du secteur privé pour résoudre les problèmes sociaux.

De 1975 à 1979

  • 1975,
    • a. "There's No Such Thing as a Free Lunch: Essays on Public Policy". LaSalle, IL: Open Court
    • b. A Program for Monetary Stability. New York: Fordham University Press
    • c. The Case For a Monetary Rule, In: An Economist's Protest. Second edition. Glen Ridge, New Jersey: Thomas Horton and Daughters, pp77-79
    • d. Unemployment versus Inflation? An Evaluation of the Phillips Curve, London: Institute for Economic Affairs
  • 1978,
    • a. "Which Way for Capitalism?", Reason, May
    • b. "The Kemp-Roth Free Lunch", Newsweek, 7 août
    • c. "The Limitations of Tax Limitation", Policy Review, summer, pp7–14

De 1980 à 1989

  • 1982,
    • a. avec Anna Schwartz, "Monetary Trends in the United States and the United Kingdom 1867–1975", Chicago: University of Chicago Press
    • b. "Monetary Policy: Theory and Practice", Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 14(1), pp98-118
    • c. "Un sistema monetario para una sociedad libre", ("Un système monétaire pour une société libre"), Estudios Públicos, Vol 6, pp167-178
  • 1983,
    • a. Bright Promises, Dismal Performance: An Economist’s Protest, San Diego: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich
    • b. The Keynes Centenary: A Monetarist Reflects, The Economist, (4 June), pp17-19
  • 1984,
    • a. “Currency Competition: A Skeptical View”, In: Pascal Salin, dir., "Currency Competition and Monetary Union", Martinus Nijhoff: Hague
    • b. "Monetary Policy for the 1980s", In: John H. Moore, dir., "To Promote Prosperity: U.S. Domestic Policy in the Mid-1980s, Stanford, Calif.: Hoover Institution Press, pp23-60
    • c. "Sex and God in American Politics: What Conservatives Really Think" [symposium], Policy Review (Heritage Foundation), vol 29, pp12-30
    • d. avec Rose Friedman, "Tyranny of the Status Quo", New York: Harcourt Brace Iovanovich
    • e. "Market or Plan?", Centre for Research into Communist Economics, London


  • a. "The Quantity Theory of Money"", In: J. Eatwell, M. Milgate et P. Newman, dir., "The New Palgrave: A Dictionary of Economics", London: Macmillan Press, Ltd., pp3-20
  • b. "Monetary Policy: Tactics verses Strategy", In: James A. Dorn et Anna Schwartz, dir., "The search for stable money", London: University of Chicago, pp361-382
  • c. "Where Are We on the Road to Liberty?", Reason, Vol 19, n°2, June, pp31-33


  • a. "Capitalism and Freedom", In: Michael Walker, dir., "Freedom, Democracy and Economic Welfare", The Fraser Institute, pp47-58
  • b. "A Statistical Note on the Gastil-Wright Survey of Freedom", In: Michael Walker, dir., "Freedom, Democracy and Economic Welfare", The Fraser Institute, pp121-125


De 1990 à 1999

  • 1991,
    • a. Say ‘No’ to Intolerance, Liberty, 4 (6): 17-19
    • b. "Old Wine in New Bottles", Economic Journal, Vol 101, n°404, janvier, pp33-40
    • c. "The War We Are Losing", In: Melvyn B. Krauss, Edward P. Lazear, dir., "Searching for Alternatives: Drug Control Policy in the United States", Stanford, California: Hoover Institution Press, pp53-67
  • 1995, "Milton Friedman", In: W. Breit et R. Spencer, dir., "Lives of the Laureates", Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press
  • 1997,
    • a. "John Maynard Keynes", Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond Economic Quarterly, Vol 83, n°2, spring, pp1–23
    • b. Interview par Robert Lozada, In: Henri Lepage et Patrick Wajsman, dir., "20 économistes face à la crise", Paris: Odile Jacob, collection Opus
  • 1998,
    • a. avec Rose Friedman, "Two Lucky People: Memoirs", Chicago: University of Chicago Press
    • b. "The Hong Kong Experiment", Hoover Digest, n°3, 30 juillet
  • 1999,
    • a. The Business Community’s Suicidal Impulse, Cato Policy Report, mars/avril
    • b. Speaking the truth about social security reform, New York Times, 12 janvier
    • c. "George Joseph Stigler (January 17, 1911– December 1, 1991)", In: "Biographical Memoirs of the National Academy of Sciences", Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press, Vol 76, pp341–359

De 2000 à 2012

  • 2001,
    • a. "Hétérodoxie", Entretien avec Robert Lozada sur les élections américaines et les rapports entre les Etats Unis et l'Europe, Commentaire, n°92, hiver 2000-2001, pp763-778
    • b. "Dynamics of reason, Stanford: CSLI Publications
  • 2003, "What Every American Wants", Wall Street Journal, 15 janvier
  • 2004,
    • a. avec Gerald L. Musgrave, Devon M. Herrick et John C. Goodman, "Lives at Risk: Single-Payer National Health Insurance Around the World", Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, ISBN 0742541525
    • b. "Milton Friedman", In: William Breit et Barry T. Hirsch, dir., "Lives of the Laureates", Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 4th ed., pp65–77
  • 2005, "A Natural Experiment on Monetary Policy Covering Three Episodes of Growth and Decline in the Economy and the Stock Market”, Economic Perspectives, Fall, vol 19, n°4, pp145-150
  • 2012, "Carnap’s philosophical neutrality between realism and instrumentalism", In: M. Frappier, D. Brown, R. DiSalle, dir., "Analysis and interpretation in the exact sciences", Dordrecht: Springer, pp95–114