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Murray Rothbard (Littérature secondaire)

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Cet article présente la liste des œuvres qui ont un lien secondaire avec Murray Rothbard, de façon aussi exhaustive que possible. Pour une présentation de l'auteur et de sa pensée, voir l'article dédié.

De 1962 à 1969

  • 1963,
    • Hugh Aitken, commentaire du livre de Murray Rothbard, “The Panic of 1819: Reactions and Policies”, The Journal of Finance, Vol 18, n°1, Mar., p100
    • Anonyme, commentaire du livre de Murray Rothbard, “The Panic of 1819: Reactions and Policies”, Economica, New Series, Vol 30, n°120, Nov., p449
    • Percy L. Greaves, commentaire du livre de Murray Rothbard, "America's great depression", The Freeman, November, Vol 13, n°11, pp60-64
    • Victor Heck, commentaire des deux volumes du livre de Murray Rothbard, "Man, Economy, And State: A Treatise on Economic Princi­ples", American Economic Review, 53 (3), pp460-461
    • Eugene Lerner, commentaire du livre de Murray Rothbard, “The Panic of 1819: Reactions and Policies”, The Journal of Political Economy, 71 (6), pp603-604
    • Harris Proschansky, commentaire du livre de Murray Rothbard, “The Panic of 1819: Reactions and Policies”, The Journal of Economic History, 23 (2), pp258-259
    • Harry Shaffer, “The Panic of 1819: Reactions and Policies", commentaire du livre de Murray Rothbard, "The Panic of 1819", The American Economic Review, 53 (1), pp213-215
    • George Taylor, commentaire du livre de Murray Rothbard, “The Panic of 1819: Reactions and Policies”, The Economic History Review, 15 (3), p572
  • 1964,
    • Eugene Smolensky, commentaire du livre de Murray Rothbard, "America's great depression", Business history review, 38, pp278-280
    • D. N. Winch, commentaire du livre de Murray Rothbard, "Man, Economy, and State: A Treatise on Economic Principles", The Economic Journal, 74 (294), pp480-482
  • 1965, Nelson McClung, commentaire du livre de Murray Rothbard, “America’s Great Depression”, The Economic History Review, 17 (3), pp624-625

De 1970 à 1979

  • 1971, George H. Resch, Economics and Freedom, commentaire du livre de Murray Rothbard, Power and Market: Government and the Economy, Modern Age, Vol 15, n°2, spring

De 1980 à 1989



  • Peter Boettke, “Economists and Liberty: Murray N. Rothbard”, Nomos: Series on the Austrian Free - Market Economists, Fall/Winter

De 1990 à 1999


  • Luigi Bassani, “L’anarco-capitalismo di Murray N. Rothbard”, introduction de la traduction du livre de Murray Rothbard, L’etica della libertà, Macerata, Liberilibri
  • Robert Sirico, "Murray N. Rothbard, 1926-1995", Liberty, Vol VIII, n°4, March, p13
  • P. B. Trescott, Rothbard's Austrian Perspective: A Review Article, Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 2, pp316-328
  • Andreas K. Winterberger,
    • Einer der 'Väter' des modernen Libertarismus. Zum Tod des Ökonomen, Philosophen und Historikers Murray N. Rothbard, Criticón, n°145, Janvier/février/Mars
    • "Murray N. Rothbard, ein grosser Libertärer – Nachruf", Schweizer Monatshefte, n°3, Mars
    • "Theoretiker der Freiheit", Zürichsee-Zeitung, 25 Janvier


    • Norman Barry, "Murray Rothbard: the unended quest for liberty", Policy Magazine, Autumn, pp37-42
    • Nicola Iannello, "Concepite in libertà". Le nazioni libertarie nel modello di Murray Rothbard, In: E. Renan, M. Rothbard, "Nazione, cos’è", Facco, Treviglio (Bg), pp54-70
    • Todd S. Lowry, commentaire du livre de Murray N. Rothbard, An Austrian Perspective on the History of Economic Thought, Volume 1. Economic Thought Before Adam Smith et Volume 2. Classical Economics, Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. 34, n°3, Sep., pp1336-1340
    • Clifford F. Thies, dir., The Contributions of Murray Rothbard to Monetary Economics, Winchester, VA: Durell Institute of Monetary Science
    • Carlo Zucchi, revue du livre de Murray Rothbard, L'Etica della Liberta, Introduction de Luigi Marco Bassani, Liberilibri - 1996, 430 pages, (it)


  • Peter Lewin, "Rothbard and Mises on Interest: An Exercise in Theoretical Purity", Journal of the History of Economic Thought, Spring, Vol 19, n°1, pp141-159


  • Roberta Modugno, "Murray N. Rothbard e l’anarco-capitalismo americano", Rubbettino, Soveria Mannelli, Messina, (it)
  • Warren J. Samuels, "Murray Rothbard's Austrian Perspective on the History of Economic Thought", Critical review, vol. 12, Winter-Spring, pp71-75
  • Clifford F. Thies, dir., The Contributions of Murray Rothbard to Monetary Economics, Irvington-on-Hudson, Foundation for Economic Education


De 2000 à 2009


  • Stefania Mazzone, "Stato e anarchia. Il pensiero politico del libertarismo americano: Murray Newton Rothbard", Giuffrè: Milano (it)
  • Justin Raimondo, "An Enemy of The State: The Life of Murray N. Rothbard", Amherst: N.Y., Prometheus




  • Enrico Diciotti, Carlo Lottieri, "Il libertarismo di Murray N. Rothbard. Un confronto", ("Le libertarianisme de Murray N. Rothbard. Une comparaison"), Siena: Dipartimento di scienze storiche, giuridiche, politiche e sociali
  • Nicola Iannello, “Un’immacolata concezione della libertà”, Ideazione, n. 1, pp182-196
  • Guglielmo Piombini, "Murray N. Rothbard e il movimento paleolibertario", «Etica & Politica», 2, Università di Trieste
  • Joseph R. Stromberg, “Rothbard contro Rothbard: un falso dilemma”, Ideazione, n. 1, pp. 212-217


  • 2009,
    • William Barnett et Walter Block, “Investment and Consumption: a Critique of Rothbard’s Claim that there can be No Such Thing as Governmental ‘Investment’", Journal of Public Finance and Public Choice, Vol 27, n°2—3, pp183—188
    • Gerard Casey, Feser on Rothbard as a philosopher, Libertarian Papers, Vol 1, n°34
    • Mateusz Machaj et Łukasz Machaj, "Prawo naturalne w koncepcjach Murray’a Newtona Rothbarda" (Le Droit nature et les concepts de Murray Newton Rothbard", Przegląd Prawa i Administracji

De 2010 à 2019


  • Gerard Casey, "Murray Rothbard" (Vol. 15 of Major Conservative and Libertarian Thinkers), New York: Continuum


  • Roberta Modugno, "Rothbard critico di Hayek e Mises" ("Murray Rothbard est un critique de Friedrich Hayek et de Ludwig von Mises"), Nuova Civiltà Delle Macchine (numéro spécial : Liberalismo e Anarcocapitalismo. La Scuola Austriaca di Economia), janvier-Juin, Anno XXIX, n°1-2, pp469-486
  • Joseph T. Salerno, "Varieties of Austrian Price Theory: Rothbard Reviews Kirzner", Libertarian Papers, Vol 3, n°25


  • Ondřej Kostka, "Pojetí přirozeného řádu u Locka a Rothbarda", ("Le concept d'ordre naturel chez John Locke et Murray Rothbard"), E-LOGOS, Vol 19, n°1, pp1-17 (en tchèque)


  • Marian Eabrasu, "Rothbard and Hoppe’s Justifications of Libertarianism: A Critique", Politics, Philosophy & Economics, vol 12, n°3, pp288-307



  • Patrick Newman, "From marshallian partial equilibrium to austrian general equilibrium: the evolution of Rothbard’s Production theory", The Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics, Vol 18, n°4, pp456-486
    • Repris en 2018, "From Marshallian partial equilibrium to Austrian general equilibrium: the evolution of Rothbard’s production theory", In: Matt McCaffrey, dir., "The Economic Theory of Costs: Foundations and New Directions", London: Routledge, pp51-72



  • Karl-Friedrich Israel, "Rothbard, Murray", In: Alain Marciano, Giovanni Battista Ramello, dir., "Encyclopedia of Law and Economics", New York: Springer, pp1826-1833


  • Cory Massimino, "Two Cheers for Rothbardianism", In: Gary Chartier, Chad Van Schoelandt, dir., "The Routledge Handbook of Anarchy and Anarchist Thought", London: Routledge, pp163-186

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